A trade of favour

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"Step a little deeper into the darkness Heather, you're still too kind, inside yourself rests a demon unable to free herself from you, so embrace me and be more sinister..."

Parting with the diamond without a nickel of coin wasn't Heather's idea of letting go... But there was always the option of stealing it back after the trade, that's what fiends do right?

She blinked "Did I just think that?"

The lot in front of her frowned but she smiled "Okay, maybe... Then... I'll take the island"

Yes, her own island, free of the mainland, free from the word that will spread about her giant reveal of toosh and tootsie.

The woman in blue stood up and snapped her feather fan shut, a victorious smirk first went to the men then she tipped her dress with a formal bow.

"Sorry gentleman, but I won this round"

"Five hundred thousand platinums!" One yelled again and Heather started seeing Dollar signs, but the woman came up to her and brushed her cheek.

"Ignore them my dear, with the island comes millions of Platinum, just follow my lead"

Millions!? Heather almost slurped and instantly opted for that, but still with Charka's influence over her mind she smiled cheekily and glanced to the men.

"And... Sold..."

"Oh come on! How do you even know this island is real!? Does she have proof!?" A man yelled as Heather held the diamond to the woman.

It made her hesitant but the woman slowly lifted her hand, and pushed the diamond back to Heather "I'll take that, once you're standing on your new island, grounded and true"

Heather liked her, she meant business "The name's Heather" she said.

"Olivia is what I go by, come with me and we'll further discuss our business arrangement, Heather"

She felt a chill up her spine by the way Olivia spoke her name, even Charka had to put in her five coppers of comment "If she ends up being anything like Katinka, I'm taking over your body and making that woman mine!"

"Ssh, you don't have to tell me twice!" Heather said softly as she followed Olivia out the exchange building.

"Look at her walk, follow her lead! She's doing it perfectly!" Charka said and Heather sheepishly looked down to her hips.

It was such an effortless sway, supernatural and sweet to look at, her hips worked with that dress in harmony making the lower end of it toss and wave, almost like the dress was dancing with her body.

"God she's nice"

"Would you put a cork in it? I can't focus!" Heather whispered.

"Why can't you focus? Its because she attracts you as well doesn't she?" Charka persisted.

"Ssh! For Pete's sake!"

That was a little to loud and Oliva looked over her shoulder.

"Oh, sorry, its a pesky fly, buzzing around my head the whole time"

"I see, yes they can be annoying this time of year" she answered giving a wave herself despite there being no flies.

Olivia led the way to building that said 'Motel' it was the first time Heather saw such a place and the name had her confused.

Was it two words in one? Mo and Tel? Or is it short for Moat tel? Maybe someone just spelled Hotel wrong? She blinked when Charka whispered a giggle into her ear.

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