Torna or Tectonica?

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"Now that Abby is here we can set off to find one of my two sisters" Charka said and Heather stood upright again.

"Why now that she's here?"

"We can leave her to work on the island so long, its prefect actually, give her a pickaxe and tell her to go mine for diamonds"

Heather swallowed "But what if the dragon finds her!? I don't want poor Abby to become roast minion!?"

"She won't remember? In fact the dragon can spew her all he wants, he's only jeopardizing himself, the more he flames her up the more she'll explode, who knows, maybe Abby can actually kill the dragon" Charka said.

Heather worriedly looked at Abby but Abby only pumped her fist "Boomboompow"

"You'll be okay right?" Heather asked and Abby nodded.

"Well, okay then" she said walking to one of the crates and lifted a pickaxe "Take this, go to that mountain and mine diamonds"

Abby took the axe but it was heavy, she tried holding it up but her small arms quivered, Heather saw after her bang of earlier she was back to the scrawny girl again so she reached over and touched Abby.

There was a clear difference this time, Abby absorbed her heat again but it grew her arms and legs thicker, and finally the girl could hold that axe up.

"Smart move" Charka said.

"I guess she's similar to us right?"

"Yes she is"

"How much does she grow? You know? What's the biggest she can get before she goes kaboom?"

About twice the size she is now, her breasts and hips, bum and tummy can still fill up more after that but only about double the size, then she's prepped for one Hell of a bang"

Heather nodded and touched Abby again, the minion cooed as she grew taller and bustier, her body swole out plumply until she stood twice her length and curved supremely.

Heather noticed her body stopped growing but her breasts continued to expand and realised she's almost at her limit so she let go again.

Abby sighed cheerfully and opened her eyes, she seemed to enjoy that whole process just like Heather does.

"Talk about dangerous curves... Okay so what did you do that for? Look at yourself?" Charka asked.

Heather saw she was now shrunk almost back to her normal size, at least the fire cloak still sat on her.

"Oh deary me..."

"You like wasting precious energy don't you? I had enough geez" Charka said and Heather shivered as Charka slipped out her body and into her belly again, making it swell out to a four months bump.

Heather sighed feeling the release and clasped her belly now pushing through the two sides of her cloak which was similar to a Chinese dress.

(You guys know Chun-li right? From street fighter? Similar to her dress only red and orange)

"Aw, look at the cute demoness all tired out"

"Scram! I want more fire now"

"And you'll get it, you know I kinda like this feel of being pregnant"

"Sure you do"

"And thanks Charka, you did a good job" she said patting her belly.

Her belly squirmed a little and Heather giggled clasping it "Did you just compliment me?" Charka asked.

"Sure, didn't anyone ever compliment you?"

"Not in this fashion, usually its just my sisters saying; hey good job burning that house down Charka, hey nicely charcoaled that human Charka, or hey, good work making that bunny's head explode"

"What!? You made a bunny's head explode!?"


"Poor bunny! How did you even do it!?"

"Its so funny how you're all compassionate and still want to know the gory details of how I managed to burst a rabbits head?" Charka said and laughed.

"Uh, well..."

"At my full power I could manipulate any heat Heather, any... Even that inside the body of a living being, I can sap it out and he'll die of hypothermic shock.

Or I can heat him up so much he'll boil in his own blood... And that's what I did to the bunny, boiled his brain but amped it up so badly it went 'Pop!' over and out"

"Oh... Scary"

"It's your power now too Heather, remember that"

"Sure, I just won't violently and inhumanely boil over a bunny, but I must admit the fact that you said its my power makes me happy"

"Oh yeah?"

"You're like a little guardian angel living in my tummy" Heather said caressing her belly.

"Hey! I'm no angel! Get it!?"

"Okay okay, my little friendly parasite then"

"I'm like a symbiote! I give you tonnes of advantages with the sacrifice of having additional disadvantages, its an organism in harmony with another! I'm not a parasite that feeds off you!"

Heather giggled as Charka constantly squirmed in her belly and it rocked her so much she had to hold on to the crate near by.

"Stop laughing!" Charka said shaking.

"Oh~ that was a hard one" Heather said chortling uncontrollably, but then Charka gave up her thrash and she had to stand catching her breath.

"Wow, that felt oddly nice but took my wind away"

"You're welcome" Charkha said scoffing.

"Now, who first? Tornado or Tech... Tecto..."


"Yes, her?"

"Well unfortunately for you my dear boobie girl, I could have sensed the direction exactly when I was powered up with dragonfire, now though I have no clue where exactly they are"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Nope, all I could figure was Torna is in the mainland north from the Vale harbor, that direction... I'm not sure exactly how far"

Heather sighed and looked to Abby "Okay then, you go mine so long, and keep any diamond you find safe"

"Boomba!" Abby said and turned heading to the jungle.

"Oh Abby!" Heather said and she stopped "Trust me you might want to walk along the beach, its much easier than heading through there"

Abby smiled nodding and turned to head down the beach line, Heather watched those full hips and buns sway as she walked and felt a little horny at it, but then Charka shook and she heaved gasping.

"Oh–! You need to stop surprising me like that"

"Quit perving over the minion!"

"She looks good okay! Although, we could have given her some clothes?"

"That's why she looks like a doll, Abby will just blow away all the clothes she wears"

"Oh, yeah"

"Now let's head out, by my calculations Torna is about a weeks travel north, you're... You're going to have to pass Vern though"

"Oh no! Must I!?"

"You can skip around it but it will add a few days... Or you can wade through the forest of Black, go visit your Dark elf queen crush whist you're at it?"

Heather didn't like the dark forest idea, but she disliked the Vern idea more, so as she sighed she placed one hand under her belly and headed to the boat "Dark elf it is then"


Realized there are a few spelling mistakes in earlier chapters, sorry bout that, will fix it later.

An Accidental powerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora