Where there's smoke...

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Heather made it home, she quickly popped the door open and slammed it shut fearing at the last second something might nab her, but yet there came nothing.

She stood watching the door for a few seconds, it felt like a massive bullseye just got painted on her back after she found the diamond, and now still stuck in her paranoia she started looking for a place to hide it.

"Hey human?" Charka asked as Heather scouted her house.

"Uh, yeah?" She asked drawing an apple basket out, then shook her head shoving it back.

"I'm weak, can I have a touch of fire to lighten me up?" Charka asked.

Heather paused looking down, her belly was barely a paunch now, she could almost say she was back to normal.

"You're... Really small now" she said.

"I gave you the strength of ten men, what did you expect would happen? And above that I had to light your way since you forgot your lantern"

"Oh, I see..." Heather said giving it thought "Will you die?"

"No, but I won't be able to do much"
Heather cheekily patted her belly "Good then, you stay put for now, I'll reward you for your efforts later"

"Reward me!? You owe me! My abilities come at a price and that's fire, I want fire! Give me fire now human!"

"Oh relax!" Heather said still looking for a hiding place and finally decided under her pillow is probably the best bet, since she felt a little tired herself.

She got dressed in her pajamas and hopped in.

"Hey! I said fire!" Charka said.

"You can have your fire after I sell this diamond and get rich! I can't go into town with a big belly, or a plump butt, or even perky boobs, the people know me there and if they see you do those things to me they'll kill me"

Charka groaned squirming in her tummy.

"Thank you though" Heather said.

"You're welcome, you better give me a bonfire's worth if fire when you get the dough!"

"I promise I'll make you very happy" Heather said closing the blankets.

The next morning she opened her eyes but she felt dazed, almost drunk, she didn't drink a drop of wine and yet she stumbled out of bed.

"What's, going on?" She said feeling no strength in her at all.

"You're obviously weak because I'm weak" Charka said with a woozy voice.

"You kidding me? I have to give you fire?"

"Its a price I'm afraid"

Heather shook her head and forced herself on her feet "No, just s little longer, I first need to sell that diamond" she said slowly taking out a dress and slipped into it.

She got the diamond out from under her pillow and stuffed it in a bag, with dragging feet she left her house.

"Come on human, fire... Please can I have some?"

Heather was barely a hundred meters away from her house when she stopped and sank her palms to her knees.

"I can't go on, this is crazy" she said.

"Fire will fix it"

Heather sighed "How much can I give you so I don't feel like the dead, not look pregnant and shut your mouth?"

"Just a little flame, a match stick will do"

Heather felt herself get nausea and decided its the only choice "Fine, don't grow too big"

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