Chapter thirty-four

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Authors Note: 2.6k Reads??? I love you guys so much I swear. get ready for fluff and some interaction with Y/N's little brother at the end. I may be updating less frequently because I'm working on a Dio x Reader for NaNoWriMo, so I've been putting most of my time into that. hopefully I'll still have plenty of time to work on this and my Eren fic though. also my google docs where I've been writing is shitting the bed so this is extremely unedited. hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment and vote 

The show was everything Y/N imagined and more. The music, the costumes, the set pieces. Every aspect of it enamored her, and she could do nothing more than look on with awe and delight. It was truly a magical experience for her, and next time she read the book the words on the pages would appear even more vivid to her than before. Kyoya, though interested in the show, couldn't stop himself from continuously glancing away to look at the young woman next to him. His favorite part of the show, had been watching her as she practically shook with excitement. She looked amazing, hair and makeup being perfectly done. Kyoya's favorite color suited her well, and he made a mental note to remind her of it later, perhaps she'd wear it more often.

As all good things do however, the show came to an end. Squinting as her eyes adjusted to the bright light of the lobby, Y/N beamed at Kyoya. "Did you like it?" she asked. She desperately hoped he did, it would be such a shame if he hated one of the things she loved most in the world.

"I found it enjoyable." he nodded, leading her back out to the car, and getting into the backseat. "Though, I found watching you even more so." he admitted, turning to face Y/N.

"I probably looked like a child in a candy store." Y/N laughed, covering her face with embarrassment.

"Nonsense, you looked even more beautiful when watching something you love. I can see why you enjoy the opera so much, it speaks to you."

Y/N was feeling more confident now, Kyoya's presence no longer filled her with question s and anxiety but instead a sense of calm. She hooked a finger through the soft silky fabric of his ascot, pulling him down closer to her. She pressed a kiss to his lips, his hand finding it's place on her lower back as he too leaned into the kiss. "I would have enjoyed it less with anyone other than you." she murmured into his lips before returning to them.

The rest of the car ride was somewhat quiet, both parties finding comfort in the simple presence of the other. Kyoya's fingers laced through Y/N's causing her to give him a soft smile in return. When they arrived back home Y/N invited Kyoya inside under the fake excuse of wanting to shows him a book she'd been reading recently. It was another one of her many florography novels, but Kyoya had asked to see her favorite flowers and this book had the best illustrations. Of course she would have preferred to take him into the greenhouse, but it was far too dark to see them, and they weren't quite in full bloom yet.

"It's just up there." Y/N pointed to one of the black hardcover books near the middle of her floor to ceiling shelves. She had a latter so she could reach the volumes at the top if needed, but she wanted Kyoya to grab it for her.

"This one?" Kyoya ran a finger over the smooth spine of the book, reading the title. A revised guide to the victorian language of florography. Y/N nodded, watching as he pulled the book from it's place and handed it to her.

"Come sit down so I can show you." Y/N led Kyoya to the plush couch in her room, large enough for the entire host club to sit on if they squished. She didn't need all the room, but sometimes Leon or her younger siblings liked to sleep there.

The fluffy couch cushions sunk under Y/N's weight, and she felt Kyoya sit close to her. His hand once again resumed it's position in hers, making ir somewhat difficult to open the book, though she didnt mind.

"Which ones are your favorite?" Kyoya's honey smooth voice was closer to her ear than Y/N expected, causing heat to flush her cheeks.

"Well, i'm not sure i could pick just any one. I love all flowers for their different meanings, blossoms and uses. Though currently I'm rather fond of Hellbore for their meaning, the blooms are gorgeous as well."

"What do they symbolize?" Kyoya asked, wanting nothing more than to heather talk about her passions for hours. The sound of her voice was intoxicating, clouding his usually perfecrly clear brain.

"Well if you were to give them to someone it would be saying that together we could overcome rumors, slander and scandals, things like that. Then of course there are snapdragons, simple flowers really, but the history of their symbolism. Did you know medieval maidens used to wear them in their hair to show they did not want unsolicited attention from men?"

"That's very interesting, darling. You're interests are so fascinating, I always feel as though I can learn something from you." Kyoya pulled Y/N closer to him by the waist, pressing a soft kiss on her forehead, repeating the gesture he'd done days before. And just like that time, it left Y/N dizzy.

Y/N moved even closer to Kyoya somehow, her arms wrapping around his neck. The kiss was deeper than the one they shared at the opera house, Y/N growing bolder in the privacy and comfort of her own home. Experimentally she bit down lightly on Kyoya's bottom lip, causing the hands resting on her hips to tighten their grip.

Y/N's fingers laced themselves into his silky hair, trying to close any amount of space between their bodies.struggling in her dress, Y/N eventually managed to sling her other leg over Kyoya's lap so she was straddling him. A hand came up to rest itself on Y/N's jaw, moving in rhythm with her mouth.

Three soft knocks echoed into the room, though Y/N could barely hear it over the loud beating of her heart in her chest, it felt as if her ribs were going to break. Doing a quick checklist of who it could be Y/N figured it had to be either Himari or Haruka. The maids had all been sent home, her parents never came to her room, especially this late. Quickly Y/N untangled herself from Kyoya, who quickly tried to fix his own appearance. His hair was still slightly tousled out of it's normal style, but Y/N preferred it that way anyways. "Come in." she called softly.

Two big eyes peered into the room, a messy mop of hair the same color as yours sitting on Himari's head. "Who's that?" he asked, pointing at Kyoya.

"Himari it's rude to point." Y/N chided him. "This is my friend Kyoya, he's one of the Ootori boys. You know of the Ootori family remember? Mother took you to one of their hospitals when you broke your toe."

"Oh." was all Himari said, still not looking convinced at the fact his older sister had a boy in her room.

"Why are you up so late?"

"I woke up." he shrugged as if stating the obvious. "I wanted you to tell me that story again, the one with the flowers. Or play something on the violin."

"it's too late for me to play anything for you Himari." Y/N gave her younger brother an apologetic look then shot one at Kyoya.

Kyoya checked his watch, it was probably best if he left now anyways. "I should be going, my sister is visiting and she'll notice if I'm back late."

"Go pick out a book Himari." Y/N shooed her brother away "I'll see you monday?" she turned to Kyoya.

"You will dear." Kyoya kissed her temple before standing to leave. Apparently chaste goodbye kisses were going to be a tradition.

"Kyoya?" she said one more time, gaining his attention. "Thank you, for everything. I don't think I've ever had a better time than I did tonight."

"Neither have I." 

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