Chapter fifteen

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"Please Y/N?" Hiroto asks.

"I'm not sure..." Y/N hesitates.

"Please? For once it's just me here and if the other guys are around I won't get another chance too."

"I suppose it's ok, but just one bite ok?"

The host club was slow today. Perhaps it was due to the weather or the fact that it was friday and people wanted to go home as soon as possible. The boys each had a few more guests than Y/N, considering the only person there to see her at the moment was Horito. He had begged her to let him feed her a slice of cake, and she begrudgingly agreed.

"Say ah." Horito smiles cheekily.

Y/N delicately opened her mouth, trying to be as ladylike as possible. Horito gently placed the fork full of strawberry cake in her mouth, prompting it to close. "See? That wasn't so bad." Horito told her.

"Y/N," Kyoya called to you from across the room.

"Hang on one moment Hiroto, if you'll excuse me." Y/N sent a quick smile to her guest before pacing over to Kyoya. "I'm with a guest right now, so if you could make it quick."

"You shouldn't let the guests feed you." Kyoya told her sternly, not looking up from whatever he was typing on his computer.

"Why's that?" Y/N laughed, thinking he was just kidding around.

"It's a bit tactless don't you agree?"

Y/N gave Kyoya a skeptical look, raising an eyebrow. "Last week Tamaki offered to feed one of his guests a strawberry lip to lip and you didn't have a problem with that. At least Hiroto used utensils."

"Offered." Kyoya stressed the word. "Tamaki wouldn't actually do it, he's all talk. Feel free to say whatever you like to the guests but please refrain from reenacting this sort of behavior again."

"are you actually upset about something so trivial?" 

"Y/N!" Hiroto pouted at not receiving enough attention. "Come finish your cake before I have to leave."

Y/N gave Kyoya one last confused look before returning to her seat across from Hiroto. "Sorry about that, Kyoya needed my help with something."

Y/N continued to eat her cake but Kyoya's behavior was bothering her, causing her to be a little less chatty than normal. Hiroto barely noticed the change, and instead took up her slack by doing a majority of the talking himself.

A familiar dark head of hair entered the room, gliding over to Y/N's table. Leon strode up to his best friend and placed his elbows on her shoulders so that his arms hung down to claim her torso in a hug. His chin rested on the top of the now confused girl's head. Leon blatantly ignored the dirty look Hiroto and Kyoya were giving him for being so touchy feely with Y/N.

"Hanging out with other guys Y/N? I'm heartbroken you would do that to me. I thought I was the only man in your life." Leon lamented dramatically.

"Oh no, it's later than I thought. I'm sorry Hiroto I lost track of the time, but I promised Leon I'd hang out with him today." Y/N gave Hiroto a look that always succeeded in calming down upset people. "I hope you don't mind, I have to cut our visit a little short."

"That's ok Y/N, I should probably go home anyways." Hiroto stood, throwing his bag over his shoulder and waving goodbye to a chipper and smiling Y/N.

As soon as the door closed Y/N shoved Leon's arms off her, moving her head out from under his. "Get off me you weigh like a thousand kilos."

"Wow you sure switch it up quickly. What happened to 'I hope you don't mind me cutting our visit short." Leon playfully mimicked Y/N by batting his eyes and pitching his voice into a high falsetto.

Y/N ignored him and started to gather her things into her school bag. She hadn't bothered to bring an extra bag of her own things as Leon would have everything she would need, including several sets of clothes she kept at his house. As she looked around she noticed almost all the guests had now left, and the remaining host club members were just lazing around. The exception was Haruhi, who had left earlier to go study in her home as the host club was 'too loud'.

"See you all monday." Y/N bid farewell to the club members, shooting an extra wave over to Mori and Honey, who waved back.

"So, how was being fawned over by a bunch of guys you dont like?" Leon started casual conversation.

"Hiroto fed me cake. Kyoya was really weird about it too, he was all 'it a bit tackless don't you think?' as if Tamaki doesn't do more than that on a daily basis." Y/N folded her arms, still a bit agitated at Kyoya's behavior. 

"But Tamaki isn't you." Leon grinned, having a slight idea as to why the youngest Ootori might have a problem with other people hand feeding Y/N.

"What does that mean?"

"Just saying, to me it sounds like the dude's jealous." Leon shrugged.

"I don't think Kyoya is capable of feeling human emotion other than annoyance." Y/N brushed off Leon's comment.

"I don't know Ootori very well, but if I was jealous of someone I'd do the same thing."

"Kyoya wouldn't be jealous over something so stupid, he's much too cool for that." Y/N rolled her eyes. 

"Oh my god! You totally like Ootori. No freakin way!" Leon yelled.

""Woah there buddy, slow down with the assumptions! And lower your voice Jesus." Y/N looked around hoping nobody heard her, cheeks flaming red.

"Ask him out!" Leon nudged his friend with his elbow playfully.

"No way in hell will I ever ask out Kyoya Ootori. I don't even like him, you just assumed I did."

"Y/N." Leon gave Y/N the same look of your kidding right? She had given Kyoya earlier. "I hate to break it to you, but most people don't randomly kiss people they don't have feelings for."

"I was tired and therefore delusional." Y/N defended herself. "Besides, it wasn't a romantic kiss persay. it was more of a... random unsubstantiated urge." 

"Whatever you wanna tell yourself, I still think you should ask him out."

"Kyoya has nothing to gain from me." Y/N whispered to herself, knowing she was right. No way would Kyoya ever agree to go on a date with her, why should he?

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