Chapter thirty-five

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"So you can't hang out with me on Halloween? But we always spend it together, it's our favorite holiday." Y/N pouted. Club activities had been canceled today on account of some large sporting event. Since none of the hosts were interested in attending, they still hung around the club room. Leon had taken to visiting Y/N during club hours when there weren't any of her fanboys around.

"I'm sorry! My mother made me swear I'd be there for the charity auction and you know how she'll be if I'm not there. But, since you can't hang out with me there's always a gentleman friend." Leon lowered his voice and gave his friend what he thought was a suggestive look, but truthfully just looked like he was trying to figure out a particularly difficult math question. "And speaking of Ootori, how'd the date go? You never got back to me."

"Because it was only a couple of days ago. It went really well though Leon! He brought me purple lilac blossoms."

"Is that supposed to mean something to me?"

"I've explained this stuff to you a dozen times Leon. don't you ever listen to me?"

"Not usually."

"They symbolize new love. Not only that but they matched my dress. Speaking of, you totally ratted me out to him didn't you!"

Leon put his hands up defensively, as if to ward off punches he knew would be flying his way if he didn't defend himself. "Hey, he just texted me while we were together and asked for a picture of your dress? I was being a good wingman."

"Whatever. I guess I forgive you. Back to the point. Who am I supposed to hangout with on Halloween?"

"Well, now aren't you in a bind?" The twins' voices came seemingly from nowhere, each one draping an arm around Y/N's waist as they sat next to her on the couch. "You know, the first year class is doing a test of courage tournament." Hikaru began.

"And we could use some people to help out, besides I'll be there." Kourou finished, the teasing evident in his voice. Kyoya watched this scene go down from the corner of his eye, jaw clenching with every second the twins spent wrapped around her.

"It would be much better if you were around Y/N-senpai." Haruhi chimed in, offering some Tea to Leon.

Y/N shot a quick look at Kyoya's way, wondering if he wanted to do anything with her that particular day. It didn't really seem like his type of thing, the costumes which he would have thought of as childish, the pranks which he would never in a million years react to and most of all the candy he didn't have the taste for. "Ok, I'll go." Y/N decided. If Kyoya wanted to spend time with her that day there would always be time after.

Y/N needed to go home and finish some work before tomorrow morning, and not wanting to hang out with the club on his own, Leon went with her. Kyoya, having no real interest in being in the club room if there was nothing for him to do left also. He was hoping to catch Y/n before she left and invite her to work at his house instead. They'd done this on a couple of occasions before, and though less work got done when they were both busy admiring the other, they both liked having each other around.

"All clear boss!" The twins shouted, their heads still poking out of the door to watch Kyoya get fully out of hearing range.

"Alright men! The meeting to discuss Y/N and Kyoya is being called to order!" Tamaki dramatically sat down at the head of one of the tables, the rest of the hosts sitting down around it, followed by a confused Haruhi.

"What's going on? Why'd we wait for Y/n and Kyoya to leave? I don't think we should be talking about them behind their backs.'' The brunette argued in defense of her friends, and the only other two people in the club with any sense.

"We have to discuss the matter of their relationship." Tamaki elaborated.

"Or rather; lack thereof." Hikaru chimed in. "they so clearly have feelings for each other, yet neither one of them do a damn thing about it!"

"Are you sure they actually have feelings for each other?maybe they're just really good friends. Y/N doesn't act that different around Kyoya than she does Leon." Haruhi pointed out.

"Wrong!" Tamaki shook his head, a slide projector appearing out of thin air. "Exhibit A." he pointed to the screen which showed Kyoya carrying a sleeping Y/N to her car.

"Kyoya would never do this to anyone else. And besides that, he treats Y/N far better than he does everyone else. Y/N treats him differently too, she's far more comfortable with him than anyone else. Which brings me to exhibit B.'' The screen blacked out for a second, and the next image was of Kyoya tucking a flower behind her ear during the trip to the tropical aqua garden. "Y/N feels comfortable enough to share her hobbies with Kyoya, and furthermore I know for a fact that Kyoya pressed and kept the flower she gave him that day."

"Where are you getting these pictures?" Haruhi questioned, seriously concerned for how Tamaki was acquiring these images.

"Kyo-chan doesn't really like it when Y/N-chan is affectionate with other guys." Honey added, eating a piece of cake. "And she even got him to try cotton candy."

"So I think it's pretty clear they like each other." Hikaru confirmed, folding his arms as if he'd just solved some kind of big mystery.

"Then why haven't either of them said anything about it to the other person? They're pretty mature, I'm sure they'd be able to talk about this on their own without our intervention." Haruhi still tried to defend Y/N, not wanting her to get tossed around in the host club's idea of help.

"Kyo-chan and Y/N-chan are really similar y'know? But also super different." Honey explained. "They both want to live up to expectations more than anything, and it's probably holding them back from saying how they really feel."

"Yeah, they think the boss is oblivious but they're so clearly the same way when it comes to themselves." Kourou nodded.

"I think you boys missed two very important pieces of evidence." Renge's voice came from the floor. An engine rumbled as her platform raised into the air. In her hands were two large printed photos which she raised above her head like a mighty sword. "The most undeniable fact is that they are in love with each other." Renge threw the photos onto the table, watching and the club's eyes grew wide. The first photo was dark, though still easy to tell what was going on. It was on the rock in Okinawa, Y/N was leaning forward, her lips connected with Kyoya's. The second photo was less dark, though easy to tell it was night time outside, it was from the amusement park. Their faces met in this one too, only it was clear Kyoya had been the one to initiate it, as his hands were cupped at Y/N's face, holding her jaw lightly and rubbing his thumb against her cheek. This was all the proof needed to send the host club into a full blown frenzy. 

Nothing Comes for Free (Kyoya x Fem!reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu