Chapter eleven

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"Wait a minute, why do I have to be a princess when the rest of you guys are wearing armor?" Y/N folded her arms when Tamaki presented his knight's in shining armor idea to the rest of the club. Tomorrow's theme was always picked the day before so there was time for preparation, and since the cultural club exposition was tomorrow the club had extra time for activities that day.

"Because Y/N, what little girl hasn't dreamed of becoming a princess? And the guests will adore it! You'll be so cute!" Tamaki gushed.

"If the rest of the group is going to be knights then I want to be one too. The regency era dress was one thing since the theme was Jane Austin, but if everyone else is dressed in armor I see no reason why I can't do the same."

"But Y/N!" Tamaki cried, while the twins disparagingly complained they wouldn't get to see Y/N in a fluffy dress which she would look stunning in.

"I'm not budging on this Tamaki." Y/N stood her ground.

"I don't see why she can't wear the armor if she wants Tamaki. I'm sure the guests will be just as happy with it, the female clients may even like it as well." Kyoya interjected.

It had been two weeks since the trip to the beach. Two weeks since Y/N spilled out her personal life, like the contents of a mug that had been tipped over. Two weeks since she suddenly had the urge to kiss a boy she never saw in a romantic light before then. That time had been weird for Y/N internally, as she struggled to figure out what her thoughts and feelings on the situation were, and why she even kissed him in the first place.

Kyoya, being Kyoya, said nothing about the kiss, or the divulgence of information on her personal life. That wasn't to say that night wasn't on his mind a lot, because it certainly was. But he didn't say anything about it to anyone, and maintained his cool composure like he always did. Both teens went about business as usual, acting as if it never happened, both trying to push it into the far corner of their brains where it would eventually collect dust and hopefully be forgotten.


"You mean you've never tried it?" The twins gaped at Y/N and Renge upon hearing about their lack of participation in the instant coffee craze. "Don't you know it's the preferred drink of the host club?"

"Um, well I think I've heard of instant coffee before. Oh yeah! isn't that when the coffee beans are already ground for you?" Renge asked, hoping her answer was the correct one.

"Wrong!" The twins held up X's with their fingers. "Instant coffee is something completely different, I don't even think there's any coffee beans in instant coffee."

"Your kidding right?" Y/N raised an eyebrow at the boy's. "You don't actually think that do you?''A clamor of boys huddled around Y/N, asking if she would make them instant coffee to try.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you boys but I'm afraid I can't make you instant coffee, as we just ran out." Y/N apologized, "Haruhi, would you mind picking us up from the store for our guests? If you hurry then you can be back in time."

"Why do I have to be the one to buy it?"Haruhi pouted.

"I'd go but nobody else knows where to get it because you're the only commoner."

Haruhi begrudgingly went to get the instant coffee, leaving the host club room. While Y/N changed into her armor she waited for Haruhi to come back and help her with some of the more difficult pieces. But it appeared she wouldn't be back anytime soon and the guests were going to start arriving.

"Could one of you guys help me with my armor? It's not staying on correctly and I can't reach all the straps by myself." Y/N asked the boys, her leg armor was on completely but she was having issues with the straps in back.

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