Death and "Rebirth"

Start from the beginning

However you felt an ominous aura, behind you. seeing Liskarm is not amused.

Behind her, is Amiya who's looking at you with the same for before with Knuckle cracking sounds.

Amiya: As a medical company, we need to treat the disease of society that is a pervert scum.

(Y/N): A-Amiya...

Amiya: I am about to "Heal" the shit out of you, Dokutah.

(Y/N): Chottomate!!

(Y/N): Ow... Why did I do to deserve this...

You complain while rubbing, your cheeks.

Then Hoshiguma arrived only to witness what happened.

Hoshiguma: You never cease to amaze me, with your crazy ideas doctor.

(Y/N): Thanks for giving me, a boost. I wouldn't have reached Franka in time.

Hoshiguma: My pleasure. Doctor. However, Franka, your task was to launch a feint attack.Instead, you fought your way all the way here. You have a huge target over your head now. Is that fine with you?

Franka: Sure is, after all, I have a trusty partner after all! Besides my knight-in-shining-armor just arrived in time after all. Fufu~

She said, while looking at you, rather seductively.

(Y/N): This girl is totally, a bad news...

(Y/N): Let's just focus on our, enemies right now.

R.I.-L.G.D: Yes/Roger!

The joint R.I.-L.G.D. forces continue to advance.

Liskarm: Ugh... Gahh...Franka! You charged way too far ahead!

Franka: See? She caught up to us.

Liskarm : I'm not used to this kind of stuff...! Why are you making me charge headlong into the enemy? I don't get it!

Liskarm: Anyway, thank you for saving, Franka. Doctor.

(Y/N): You're welcome...?


RM: Curses... L.G.D. and Rhodes Island are working together! There's no way we can defend this place...We can't afford to hesitate. It's do or die. Everyone, chaaarge!

Liskarm: The enemies are rushing straight at us!

The desperate Reunion forces charge towards the joint R.I.-L.G.D. forces.

RM: Dieeeee!

Hoshiguma: If you plan to resist, you leave me with no choice. Don't take it personally.

RM: You...!

Hoshiguma struck down a Reunion soldier with her shield Hannya.

RM: Aaaaaaaaghhh!!

Liskarm: Madam, you're... quite strong. That Reunion fellow... Not his lucky day.

Hoshiguma: They've got some nerve to attack us like that... I feel bad for him. They should apologize to everyone who fell by their hands.

After the battle...

Amiya: Inspector!

Hoshiguma: I'm glad to see that you're all fine.

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