[7] Bonding

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Unlike Charlotte, Roxana's little half-sister that is after getting Cassis, Y/n hasn't made a move to get Cassis or talk about meeting him. They are not a spoiled brat, they were more loyal to Ana to be after her 'toy' because he seems a little like Ashil, even if he acts a little like him, he was not the real one and Roxana could guess they don't want to get involved with him, so they won't get hurt mentally worse, perhaps they don't want to lose Ashil again if they get attached to him.

Roxana liked that about them, they were not stupid children like most of the house, there are four people in this house that she cares for, Mother even though she is not useful, Cassis as he is her way out, and something more, Jeremy even as he can be overprotective but useful and a good little brother and Y/n someone smart and useful and a good sibling.


Cassis remembers Deon's words, "I only sent them off to the place where their master will go soon. So what? " If he didn't stop him from killing that monster Roxana's mom- no, Roxana's half-sibling Y/n, who protected her mom would have gotten a serious injury, Cassis heard from Roxana say they were Deon's full sibling.

It was not that surprising since he also killed his half-brother.

"it would have been better if you two cried like back then" Cassis's hands form fists.

As expected this family is strange. Social norms, law, ethics-

All of them are useless here. Anyone who stayed here for a long time, no matter who they are-

Would find it difficult to stay sane.

Now that he thinks about this, if he escapes what would happen to Roxana? To Y/n who helped him also?

The more he thinks the more uneasy his mind becomes.


Breaking the curse and kissing Roxana, saving her from poison.

Cassis becomes more uneasy about how she is okay with this. Their talk of Cassis is not Ashil.

Roxana for the first time showed her real self with anyone and it was Cassis.


Roxana stood in a field, cherry blossoms flying along the wind. Another person stood, and it was Ashil. Roxana felt small as if her body was back to back when she killed her brother, a memory of killing her own brother.

She would not help but let out tears, a gentle cry.

Ashil put a flower crown on her head.

It was warm.




'I need to get Cassis out of my sight, as soon as I can' Roxana now understands why Y/n did not want to get attached to him, if she gets sane in this house she won't live because of an attachment.


"Ugh! Look at its mouth!" Jeremy laughed when one of the bodies from the weeks of being arrived was dug out. It was alive, and its skin was eaten by the mushrooms, it was a human, but now with half its face missing, the mouth that was eaten by the mushrooms was moving up and down to a "help me" when it grabbed Y/n's dress.

"Oi! Don't get your gross hand on them!" Jeremy kicked it, and it was a hard one making it fall back to the hole it was dug out of and die from its neck cracked.

"Fucking weak!" Jeremy said.

"Wasn't that interesting?" Y/n smiled, removing their black gloves. Their hands were covered with marks of bits from different beings, snakes, maybe magical beings from how sharp the other ones were, burns that were different from each one different from how deep it was in their hands, scars of all different kinds, with also green and purple spots there and then.

"Wha- what the hell happened to your hands?" Jeremy asked, he was going to kill whoever hurt them.

"Experiments, some of the failures, some that were too close, and got too dangerous" They got some skin of the dead being put in some bottles.

Jeremy then saw one of the hand scars that were recent from it was still a little bloody, it was a human bite mark and it looked like whoever did it tried to bite their hand off from how deep it was. Before Y/n could put their gloves on Jeremy spoke.

"What bastard did that?!" his vein was popping from his hands.

"... a dead one, don't worry. She was trying to escape by killing me, she was trying to bite the veins in my wrist she missed and I just killed her don't worry" Y/n petted Jeremy's head with their clean hand.

"You should have told me, I would have drowned her- or fed her to wolves" Jeremy said, holding Y/n's other hand that was not petting him, even as it was a little dirty, and felt the scars on their hand, squeezing the hand gently.

"You worry too much but thank you Jeremy" Y/n ruffled his head, and Jeremy lean to the touch.




things are going to be more insane for the next chapter when Cassis escapes

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