[2] Tears

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TW: BLOOD, DEATH, SIBLING THING (you read the manhwa you know)

- a few years ago -

When Roxana was a child she and Achille played together like real siblings, she got closer to him than in the original novel making Achille less shy and asking Y/n to play with them.
That was a big change, and Roxana didn't like the idea much but it wasn't bad as Y/n didn't do anything to harm them.

Y/n and Achille were close, Roxana could say they were obsessed with him, as they could always follow them around, but having an obsession as a child was not a big deal, as they all had a phase of something.

And Y/n was not as obsessive as you might think, he was clingy mostly and was open to him and Roxana, Y/n liked him because of his innocence and sweetness.

It was a surprise to both Roxana and Achille when they first saw them smile, someone quiet, and gloomy at them smiled like they were a little kid, Roxana realized at that moment that this child was a child and not a full psychopath.

When his brother died, with Deon covered in blood Roxana couldn't control herself and cried, she attacked him, but their fight ended with guards stopping them.

She was angry, scared, and afraid.

But she wondered how Y/n would react to this, this might be big for Y/n's character....

[-Author's POV-]

When Deon left to clean himself after killing Achille he was met by Y/n in the halls of their home,
They looked at him surprised, because of the blood.

"Why were you coming from Achille's home?" This was the first time Deon saw them anxious.

"...Because I killed him" Deon replied emotionlessly, he wondered how his sibling would react to such news, he knew that Y/n always sticks with Archille, They would always be at their home and Y/n always seem emotionless.

His father told him to get rid of Archille for some reasons and one was that he was distracting Y/n from his talent, Y/n would make many things useful to the family.
At such a young age he could make a drop of poison that could kill a wheel. But lately, he hasn't been so sharp.

"What- what are you talking about-!'' Deon watched as Y/n teared up when Y/n looked at him in such, such look as Roxana, but with less hate and more sadness, they looked as if they lost their world.

"Y- you, Why- he can't be dead..!" tears fell and sobs, they began to cover their face with their hands.

Deon walked to them grabbed their rests and took them away from their face, staring at them, their violet eyes were now filled with tears, and emotions unlike how they usually look made Deon smile, such a manic he is....

"This is his blood" Deon teased him, as he put his bloody hands on their cheeks, somehow they cried more, the life in their eyes looked like it was dying, and they trembled like a sick puppy as their eyes closed passing out in Deon's arms.

Deon looked at them, they still cried even passed out due to shock.

"Hmmm..." he hummed, holding them in one arm, with the other they touched their tears, tracking blood on their face.

He leaned in licking the tears, and tasted nothing but salt, Deon wanted to taste Roxana's when she cried so beautifully.

But there's wasn't bad.


After this, Y/n didn't come out of their room working on drugs or just sleeping for some weeks.
But after some months Deon killed Y/n's toy.

[-Author POV end-]

Roxana thought it did not have a big impact on Y/n at first but realized Dean's strange behaviors, he killed Y/n's toy that they had for a month Roxana figured out that he was trying to make Y/n cry.

She then heard from a maid that Y/n cried in front of Deon, which was supposed to have happened in the original Y/n dying moment.

Y/n didn't seem to cry but their Father heard about this, The toy that Y/n was an experiment on for the drug that he tolled or challenged them to make after weeks and almost making it to which failed due to Deon, He was furious.

He punished Deon for two weeks in the forest filled with monsters and told him if Deon or anyone ever even left a scratch on Y/n's toys without their or his consent, they would be killed.

Y/n was feared by the rest of the family, as Lante Agriche's Favorite child for their gift. They were jealous but they couldn't do anything about Lante's words and even Deon stopped.

Y/n Agriche (htpflob x NB! reader)Where stories live. Discover now