west coast

70 4 29

IM BACK WHORES and i gotta say. it's good to be back. but, if any of the colleges i've applied to see this, it's not me.

My blissful sleep after the exciting night before was cut short by a pounding on my door. Maybe I was dreaming. Surely I must be dreaming. I tried to ignore the sound but the person on the other side of the door only pounded faster.

After a couple minutes of this I groaned and rolled out of bed to see who could possibly be at my door. With nothing on but a long t-shirt going down to almost my knees, I looked through the peephole on my door. No one was there. Great, some stupid teenagers thought it would be funny to annoy me.

As I walked back to my bed the pounding started again. I full on ran back to my door and opened it violently. There was an all too familiar head of blonde curly hair standing there.

"Hi Joonas," I said leaning against my door. His hand was in a mid-knocking position and he down at me with shock.

"Hey Mort. I was at the rink for a little pick up game and I ran into Derek. He uh, he wanted me to give this to you because he said he had errands to run all day and wouldn't be able to make it here," Joonas said handing me a small bag. I curiously took it from his hands and inspected the name tag in Derek's awful handwriting. It made me smile.

"Oh well thank you Joonas. Did you want a cup of coffee or tea or anything?" I opened the door wide so he could come in if he wanted. He just shook his head a little.

"No I couldn't. I have band practice in 15 and it takes me 30 to get there from here. Tommi's going to beat my ass. Anyways, see you later Mort," he said waving goodbye and stuffing his calloused hands into his jean jacket pockets. I watched him turn and leave, his disheveled curls bouncing with each step he took.  Boy was he a mess.

I closed the door to my flat when Joonas turned a corner and I couldn't see him anymore. Looking at the clock on my oven, I saw it was 1:30 p.m. and I had slept so wonderfully and so long. I saw Derek had texted me like 12 times telling me what he was doing. He sent me a picture of this cute puppy he saw on the street and I couldn't help but laugh to myself about how thoughtful he was. My fiancé. The thoughts from the previous night flooded my mind. At that moment, I suddenly remembered the cold feeling of the silver band around my left ring finger. My fiancé. I wasn't just the girlfriend, I was the wife to be. And for that, I was so elated my heart almost burst out of my chest.

I decided to ring Ellie up and ask her to come over. Because she's literally amazing, she was over within 30 minutes with a bottle of red wine and some cheese. I literally love her.

"So, tell me. What's going on with you and Derek? What's the latest between Morticia and Derek? My favorite couple," she asked grabbing two glasses from my cupboard. I smiled so widely my jaw hurt. She turned around waiting for my answer and in response I lifted my left hand to show off the beautiful new ring adorning my finger. She looked, then squinted her eyes to get a better look. Then, she ran over to where I was sitting and grabbed my hand.


"I KNOW. ELLIE IM GETTING MARRIED," I jumped up and screamed with her. We screamed together until there was a pounding from my neighbours telling us to quiet down. We laughed and squealed, this time quieter.

"Tell me EVERYTHING," she demanded grabbing my hand again to get a closer look at the ring on my finger. I told her everything and she looked so genuinely happy for me in that moment.

"Well holy shit girl. Good thing I brought wine over because this is definitely worth celebrating." she exclaimed grabbing my tv remote and turning the tv on. Life had been so kind to me recently. I felt in love. In love with everything: with life, with my best friend, with my fiancé, and most importantly myself. I hoped this feeling would last forever. This love.


just kidding el em aye oh. idk it's late and i wanted to say that.
anyways i just wanted to thank u guys for being here. ik its a short update but i wanted u guys to know that i am in fact alive and breathing. i am not dead, just swamped with school work and college apps 👺👺

hopefully i can try to update more frequently but i've said that in the past and i haven't. but idk maybe this time will be different???

love u guys MWAH xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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