3. fed up

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before i start i just wanna say thanks for the support on this it rly means a lot to me 😩😩. also PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS SONG I LOVE IT SO MUCH.

"Let's get a drink." Joel suggested after we had all calmed down. "I'm down. I could use it after the day I've had." I agreed with him. The rest agreed and we went down to Tommi's car. We went to a karaoke bar in Oulu (we're going to pretend that they're not at finnvox and at some studio in Oulu. okay? okay.).

We made it to the bar and walked in. I've never been inside of a karaoke bar before so walking in was an experience. Drunk people singing bad renditions of 'Bohemian Rhapsody' and their friends laughing and recording. To be honest it was slightly overwhelming.

The group of us made it to the bar and I ordered a Moscow Mule to pregame. The boys all ordered beers and we found a table in the back. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to go drinking with 6 guys I met the night before but I mean, I'm not exactly known for my good decisions. "Guys, should I sing something." Olli said to us finishing his drink. "Yeah Frodo, go sing for us pretty boy." Joonas said pushing him up to the stage. "Wait. Are you guys going to let him go on stage sober?" I asked them grabbing Olli's arm. "She's right. I'll get some shots." Joel said standing up. He went to the bar and got 4 tequila shots for Olli. He downed the first two fast and you could tell he was starting to loosen up. After the fourth one he stood up suddenly and almost fell over. Joonas caught him and pushed him towards the stage.

"This one is for my future wife whoever she is." Olli slurred into the microphone. As the song started we all started laughing at his song choice. He decided on 'As the World Caves In' and he cleared his throat before singing.

"My feet are aching and your back is pretty tired and we've drunk a couple bottles, babe and set out grief aside. The papers say it's doomsday. The button has been pressed. We're gonna nuke each other up boys 'til old Satan stands impressed" he sang in a dramatic deep voice. We all kept laughing. As I was laughing I felt an arm slide over onto my shoulders. I noticed it was Aleksi and he turned to face me and winked. Then he started singing and swaying. I went along with it and joined singing.

After the song Olli came down from the stage and his face was red. "I say more shots," Olli yelled as he sat down. "I agree," Joel responded. I laughed and leaned back with Aleksi's arm still around my shoulder. I put my head on his shoulder and moved into him. He was very warm. I looked across the table and saw Joonas already looking at me with a tight jaw. His arms were tightly crossed and the look in his beautiful blue eyes sent a chill down my spine. We locked eyes for a second and my smile slowly fell from my face. Joel came back to the table and a few seconds later a bartender came over with a tray full of shots. "Keep them coming," Aleksi said to the waiter with his free arm. "I'll be right back," Joonas said standing up and walking towards the bathroom. We all shrugged and Joel passed three shots to me.

Aleksi passed the lemon and salt down and I sprinkled the salt on the back of my hand and licked it. Then I poured the disgusting liquid down my throat and grimaced. I quickly sucked on the lemon wedge and threw my hands up. "Guys, let's play truth or dare." I yelled to the boys. "Yes let's play." Niko agreed.

"Joel, truth or dare?" Niko asked Joel. "Oh easy, dare." he responded without thinking. "Ooh I got one." I interrupted before Niko could say anything. "I dare you to ask a girl for her number and if she says yes then tell her you're gay and walk away." I laughed. "What if she says no?" Joel asked. "Are you kidding Joel? Look at you, you sexy beast." Tommi hyped him up. Joel rubbed his hands together and stood up. He walked up to a random girl at the bar. She was gorgeous and when she turned to him she seemed drunk, hopefully she had someone to take care of her. I watched the interaction from afar and saw her face fall when he walked away.

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