Chapter 1 - A Long Trip

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Her eyes are stunning. A beautiful grey colour. I didn't even know grey was a possible eye colour to have but here I am, looking into the most amazing eyes I have ever come across. She must notice me gushing because she starts to smirk. I quickly blurt out "Your eyes are grey. That's so unique. Wow." before she can tease me. This seems to amuse Vi while Jayce starts laughing at me. I look over at Caitlyn who has a knowing smile and I try to make the obvious gush I just had over the woman sat to my left less obvious.

"Do you guys not think grey is a very rare colour? I have never seen a single person with grey eyes in my 20 years on this planet." I go to continue talking but Viktor, thankfully, stops my rant about grey eyes.

"Yes Y/N, Grey eyes are extremely rare. In fact, only 3% of the world's population have grey eyes. So it is exceedingly rare to meet someone with grey eyes which is why in your '20 years of living' you have not met a single person with grey eyes."

I look in the car's mirror and see Viktor smiling. Thank you Viktor, you just saved me from digging an even bigger grave for myself.

"Is that really true Viktor?" Jayce asks in disbelief. Viktor's reply is a short and straight forward "Yes." That really is crazy. 3% is nothing when you compare it to how many people there are on planet earth.

"I guess I'm just one of a kind." Vi says with pure confidence. I almost want to agree with her but after what just happened I decide to keep my mouth shut and eyes forward. Isn't that a nice road?

"Will you ever learn to take a compliment properly?" Caitlyn asks. She sounds like a mother scolding a naughty child for the millionth time.

"You can't argue with facts cupcake." I look over at Vi who is now leaning back in the car seat.

Damn, she must lift elephants to get muscles like that... My eyes start to wonder over Vi's tattooed body and I have to mentally scold myself once more for thinking such inappropriate thoughts about someone I've only just met.

You are an adult now N/Y. Not some high schooler checking out their crush. Get a grip!

Caitlyn sighs from beside me and my attention is brought back to her.

"Cupcake?" The tone of Jayce's voice is like a big brother finding out his sister has a partner. In other words, Caitlyn is about to get teased to all hell and back if she doesn't shut him down.

"I wish you'd stop calling me that." Caitlyn sounds defeated, like she's had this conversation many times before.

"Do I really need to remind you why that's your nickname?" Vi seems to be loving every moment of teasing her, friend? Maybe they aren't friends? Caitlyn said they were just friends but that doesn't mean she's not just keeping it a secret. Am I ogling at Caitlyn's girlfriend?!

Before I can start overthinking, I decide it best to focus on the conversation.

"I know why, but it gives people the wrong impression." she pauses for a moment. "People might start to think we're dating or something more inappropriate." Caitlyn's right, as per usual.

"Hm, you mean like fuck buddies?" For a moment I don't even register that I've spoke, let alone what came out of my mouth. It's only when Vi lets out a sharp whistle next to me that it clicks.

Everyone else is dead silent. I frantically look around the car praying for the floor to swallow me whole. Caitlyn looks mortified, Viktor is chuckling to himself and Jayce looks both shocked and impressed at my words.

"I didn't mean to say that!" I exclaim in a vain attempt to take back the words I just spewed.

"What else did you want to say, shortie?" Vi's once soft voice turns sinister. Oh no...

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