CH-17: Friends & Allegiances

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"Hey, guys. Sorry we're late. Traffic, you know?" Jumpstart greeted as she kneels down.

"Yeah. You said there was something you wanted to speak with us about?" TurboRacer wondered as he knelt down.

"Oh, we've been talking about some ideas for an event happening, and we thought we'd ask you for your own ideas and thoughts about it." Jennifer explained.

"And what might that be?" TechGear questioned.

"Well, the event is Halloween." Leo answered. "It's about a month or so away, but we thought to get our ideas set before then." The Autobots have been told of the many holidays the humans celebrate such as Easter, Christmas, Hanukah, Thanksgiving, as well as Halloween.

"Right. That sounds interesting." Jumpstart comments. "So... what is this plan for Halloween?"

"Oh, it's easy. Just to spend time trick-or-treating and seeing who's got the best costume." Jennifer answered casually. "And as well as seeing whose home has the better spooky decorations and whatnot."

"I see..." TurboRacer commented. "Anything else to ask?"

"Well, we're mostly still working on little bits and pieces here and there, but they're small stuff." Leo answered. "Though we may need some transport."

"Say no more." Jumpstart transforms into vehicle mode, her doors opening. "What are you waiting for, an invitation? Let's go." The humans now climb into her vehicle mode.

Just then, Comet drove up in his sportscar mode. "There you guys are. I was just about to show you all something."

"What might that be?" Leo asked as he stood by Jumpstart's car-mode.

"Just follow me, and you'll see." Comet answers before driving away. With nothing else, the other Autobots shirt into their alt-modes and begin to drive off after the sportscar Autobot to wherever he's leading them.

Comet leads TurboRacer, Jumpstart, and TechGear along, their human friends riding in their cabins as they go along. They were wondering where Comet was now leading them, and what he wanted to show to them. As they drive along, they soon follow Comet underwater, TurboRacer and his group in confusion until they finally spotted the Autobot ship lying down on the seabed.

"Hey. There's the ship." TurboRacer commented in surprise. "It survived?"

"That, it did. Even falling through atmosphere and crash-landing into the lake." Comet answered back.

Comet leads them into the airlock, the water draining away after the exterior door closed. After that, the Autobots transform, Jumpstart with the humans in her hands, and they step inside.

"So, what or who did you want to show us, Comet?" TechGear asked to them.

"I wish to show you these." Comet taps some keys on a command console, and out rolled two vehicular felines. "I'd like you to meet Copper Jaw and Iron Fang. The red one is Copper Jaw, and the green one is Iron Fang. They are Minicons, my cybertronian animal assistants."


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