Chapter Twelve

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"Why not just end it then...?" I murmured softly, probably talking more to myself than anyone else who dared to listen. Gally didn't startle, look at me with disgust or horror. He just sighed, shrugging. He shrugged a lot, the posture of someone who continued to go on, without any understanding as to why he did so.

"Because." He said evidently.

"Because why?" I pressed. He gave me a small smile, and I returned the favor.

"Because what's so great about death? Sure, life's hell...but I think I'm more afraid of never feeling pain, than I am of never feeling happiness." I raised an eyebrow.

"Why's that?" He smiled, flashing adorable cheekiness that I was so very terrified I may never see again.

"Because a life filled with pain, makes every spot of happiness a million times better, while a life filled with happiness, makes every spot of pain- a million times worse."

The rest of the day was spent mostly in uncomfortable, impatient silence, cleaning up the Glade, and salvaging what was left of it. Gally didn't have much time to hang around after our little chat, being the Keeper of the Builders, he was needed basically everywhere all at once. I never saw Minho leave Shai's side, and vise-verse. They weren't laughing or talking, they just stayed beside each other, I found it rather inspiring. It was like they were just made for each other, I only wished their relationship would have had more time to be weightless, beautifully free and filled with the joyousness of their laughter. I saw Newt, walking solemnly from the depths of the make-shift hospital where Alby was being kept. He was pinching the bridge of his nose, he looked on thee verge of tears. I ran over towards him, concern washing over my face.

"Newt, what is it?" He shook his head.

"It's Alby.....he...he wants us to, to kill him." He stuttered in astonishment. I sighed sympathetically, shaking my head as I rested my hand on his quivering shoulder.

"Newt...I'm so sorry..." I murmured. Newt just shook his head, sighing in defeat.

"He's going through the Changing, Lily. It's what happens when you get stung by a Griever, gives you back your bloody memories. We can't kill him until we get all of the information he has, I know it sounds cruel, but we need every bit we can get. I just hope he tells us bloody soon, I don't wanna watch this happen to the shank..." Newt murmured quietly. I nodded, giving him a pat on the back, before realizing what that meant. He was going to remember who did this to him, all of it. He would remember Gally and I.

I hadn't talked to anyone else for the rest of the day. Cleaning up the Glade seemed to be first on everyone's radar, and talking seemed like an unnecessary luxury. Finally, however, the sun had begun to set, and the Maze doors had closed, despite warnings and suspicions from a few of the Gladers. I padded around aimlessly for a while, just thinking of everything that had happened, how I knew there was no alternate explanation for the fact that I had most likely been the cause of all this. I watched as Gladers gathered around the fire pit, building up a bonfire, most likely less joy filled and gleeful than the last one, but still a bonfire none the less. I didn't feel like joining in, but I felt it would seem even more suspicious if I didn't go, so I somehow forced my feet in the direction of the others. Sighing, I took a seat beside Shai on one of the logs. None of them were smiling, how could they? They're leader was on the brink of death, their home destroyed by the things that have plagued their lives for over 3 years now.

"Hey." mumbled softly to Shai. She turned to look at me, forcing a small smile.

"Hey." She replied. Sighing as she rested her chin in the palm of her hand.

"So, you and Minho?" I smiled softly, and she blushed. Better to talk about something at least somewhat happy, or else sit within this pity fest forever.

"Yeah, I, well, I don't know really. I really think he's special, you know? He doesn't want anything to happen to me...and, the best part is...I think he knows. About us, you know, being a part of WICKED." I gave her a small smile as I nodded.

"Yeah, he knows. Not specifics or anything, but he knows." I whispered back. More Gladers weere beginning to show up now, Minho being among them. He took a seat on the other side of Shai, and gave her a reassuring smile. I noticed him intertwining their fingers together, as she blushed slightly. I couldn't help but look around for Gally at that point, though I wasn't entirely sure why. It wasn't like he felt the same way, right? Wait, what "way" was it that I was feeling? I sighed, shaking my head just as I saw him approaching the fire. Our eyes connected, and I could almost feel the hurt within them. He had known Alby longer than most, this must be especially hard for him. I stood slowly, walking towards him. He stood just outside the circle of logs and bonfire gathering, as I made my way towards him, our gaze never wavered. It was like he was pulling me towards him, and I was happy to go.

"Gally..." I whispered, stopping just a few inches away from him now. He stared down at me, a single tear falling from his eyes as I stood on my tip-toes, wiping the tear away with my thumb. His lips didn't quiver, he didn't break down in my arms, just closed his eyes, exhaling softly. It was Alby, I knew it was. Something was wrong, Gally wouldn't cry easily, even at the possible loss of his friend.

"He wants to see you." He said softly. Confused, I opened my mouth to question him, but he just shook his head.

 "Just you, Lily. Just you. It's his dying wish. Please, just go." His voice didn't crack, nor did his eyes open. I bit my lip, nodding as I removed my hand from his face, walking away from the bonfire, leaving Gally standing there, alone on the outskirts of darkness.

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