im forgetting you

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i'm getting more familiar with those around me.
these new people who started to appear
and stayed.
i'm starting to memorize every detail about them,
the way their hair falls
and the way their eyes glisten in different light.
but as i'm getting familiar with brand new faces
yours seems to fade.

all i have left of you
are distant memories.
memories i think i'll cherish forever,
at least until i create them with someone else.

all i have left of you
is your faded touch
and your faint kiss,
the last things you left me with.

all i have left of you
is the memory of a night i could never erase,
one that seems like it would just simply never happen again.

all i have left of you are pictures
these stupid little pictures.
new york city. the beach. bowling. golf. your car.
do you remember those days?
i hope so
i'll wish and pray you do
and i'll hope that sometimes you wish you could go back to those moments just like i do.
and if you don't that's okay too because at least i'll forever have a piece of me cherishing those moments
        - even if those moment are no longer here

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