Chapter 1 | Stoll Puke |

Start from the beginning

    "It's okay, Ally. I remember faintly hearing your voice echoing through my mind." She said, and I grinned. She was like the older sister I never had. I spotted something in the trees and frowned.

    "Hey, Lia?"


    "Do you see that big"

    Thalia looked in the trees, but the dog was gone. "Are you feeling okay? Do you need to go to the infirmary?" She asked, and I shook my head.

    ", I must've just seen something." I muttered, turning on my heel, dragging her with me. But I didn't just see something. I could feel it. There was a soul hiding in those trees. And not a dog's soul, a human soul.

    An owl dove overhead and dropped the Daily Prophet into my hands. The owl swooped low, and I placed a knut in its pouch. The cover was enough to make me panic.

    Padfoot had broken out of Azkaban.


"This isn't good, Chiron!" I exclaimed panically in the big house. "What if he comes for me?! Or Moony?!"

    "Relax, child." Chiron said, calmly. "He can't reach you here."

    "But what about school? What about when my dad's supposed to bring me to the Weasleys at the Leaky Cauldron?" I exclaimed.

    "They might catch him by then." ChIron said, soothingly.

    The door creaked open and I spun around. Percy Jackson was standing in the doorway.

    "Oh," He said. "Is this a bad time? I can come back."

    "Yes! It is a bad time!" I squeaked, and Chiron rested a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

    "I apologize for Alora." Chiron said. "She's going through a, um...rather difficult situation, as one might say."

    "Might say?! Chiron, Padfoot broke out of the strictest, highest security prison there is! This is not just a difficult thing, it's a threat to Moony's life!" I shrieked, and he sighed.

    "Alora, your father is fine. And your other father will be caught soon." Chiron reassured me. "Now, what is it, Percy?"

    "Uh, Lee told me to tell you that we're running low on ambrosia." Percy said, awkwardly, and I nearly exploded.

    "I'll speak to Hermes about getting some more." Chiron promised.

    Percy still stood frozen.

    "Well," I prompted. "Are you leaving?"

    Normally, I wasn't that rude, but between my annoyance with Percy and the fact that Padfoot just escaped prison, kind of has me a bit on edge.

    "Oh, um, okay." Naturally, Percy tripped. I sniggered and Chiron sent me a look.

    Suddenly, a few pieces of Percy's thoughts flooded my mind. They were far beyond nice, which was fair because I didn't have many good thoughts of him either. But still, I decided to spook him with my telepathy.

    'That's not nice,' I transferred into his mind and he jumped about a mile.

    'How did you...?' He thought vaguely, and I was surprised he could.

    'Daughter of Psyche, legilimens. Connect the dots, Clam head.'

    'Oh,' He had other thoughts, but they became...restricted after he knew I could tap into his thoughts. 'What's a legilimens?'

    I remembered he wasn't a wizard so I couldn't get mad. 'Someone who has the complex method of magic to enter someone's mind.'

    'So, basically mind reading?'

    Immediate offense. "The mind is not a book! It cannot be opened at one's pleasure! It is an art, a skill maintained by those-" I realized I was talking aloud and Chiron was staring at me in bewilderment.

    Percy clicked his tongue, and I glared at his sniggering. "Nice to know that random fact, Alora."

    Percy and I argued for a minute, and then Travis Stoll burst it. "Chiron!" He said. "There might be a slight problem! Katie bet Connor couldn't run around  the camp ten times after eating breakfast! He did two laps before he vomited all over the dining pavilion!"

    "Percy and Alora," Chiron said, "You two will be cleaning up the dining pavilion."

    Before we could protest, Chiron ushered us out the door.


After a few hours of cleaning up Stoll vomit with Percy, I was ready to dig my own grave to die in. I slumped back against a pole, and Percy sat down next to me.

    "This took much longer than it should've." He grumbled, and I sent him a look. "Oh, sorry. Do you prefer your," He put on a snooty voice and mocked my words, "'Complex method of magic to enter someone's mind'?"

    "Ugh!" I groaned, and I shoved him. "You are such a-" I cut myself off, spotting the big black dog again.

    "I'm a what?" Percy snapped, and I stared off at the dog. "Well? Don't be a loser. Finish what you were saying."

    "There's a...a dog over there." I muttered, anxiously.

    "What?" Percy said, and looked up. He smirked, "Aww, is little Alora afraid of a little dog?" He teased, and I held my breath to keep from screaming at him.

    "No, it's soul."

    "What about it?" Percy asked, impatiently.


    "C'mon," He said. "You probably just need a break."

    "Yeah," I agreed, still looking at the dog. "Yeah, probably."

    Hours later, the dog was still on my mind. I was lying on the floor of Hermes cabin, trying to fall asleep, but that was near impossible. I rolled on my side, tucking myself into a ball. Instead of trying to force myself to fall asleep, I shut my eyes and all of the Hermes kids and the unclaimed dreams flood my mind.

    Their dreams were like a soft, soothing sleep drug like Morpheus was trying to keep them asleep. At some point, I couldn't tell the difference from mine and the others' dream as I drifted off.

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