Chapter 16

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When Louis and Harry are positive Warren and Harry's mum are distracted, they quite literally run out of the house. Harry has his navy overnight bag hooked over his shoulder, and some money he took from Warren's wallet in the other.

"He won't even notice," Harry assured Louis when Louis voiced his concern. "It's his fault for leaving his wallet out all the time, and if he's going to kick me out of my own house and fuck my mum, I want to get something out of it too."

"What are you even going to do with it?" Louis asked, looking around to make sure Warren wasn't nearby.

Harry shrugged. "Dunno. I could get us dinner or something. You hungry?"

"I could eat."

"Great. A dinner-date it is," Harry grinned, taking a final few notes and showing them in his pocket.

"Wait a second," Louis pouted, "I was the one who said I would take you out on the date. That doesn't count if you're paying for the food."

"Did you really want to take me out?"

"Yeah, Harold, I did," Louis pops the 'd'.

"Do you have your car keys?"

Louis held them up for Harry to see, the multitude of keychains jingling together loudly. His favorite one is the one he got from his first Sublime concert, hands down.

"Great," Harry said, shoving his hand into his pocket to hand Louis all of the stolen money. "Take me out then, Prince Charming. I'll wait here while you pull up the magical carriage," he swooned, batting his eyelashes and giving Louis a sheepish smile. "I expect ballgowns and magician pumpkins. After all, Halloween is only two weeks away."

"Oh, come off it," Louis scoffed, grabbing Harry's hand. (He wondered if Harry would be up for a matching costume, but didn't dare ask such an embarrassing question.) "C'mon, let's get out of here."

And with that they ran out of the kitchen, Louis tugging Harry madly behind him to avoid the possibility of being seen. They run all the way out of the front door and down the pathway before they reach Louis' car.

"Fancy what you see?" Louis smirks, gesturing at his complete lack of a 'magical carriage'. "Hop in, Cinderella. I hope you like fish and chips,"

"Oh but darling, that'll mean you can't kiss me because it'll be fishy," Harry says in his best impression of the Disney princess. "Whatever shall I do?"

"I think I'll manage just fine without," Louis scoffs, holding the door open until Harry gets in. He's not quite sure if he just lied or not. Uncertainty is a funny thing, Louis thinks, as he gets into the driver's seat.

"Buckle up, Princess, because I'm a terrible driver," Louis jokes as he backs out of the driveway.


After some light banter in the car about the best food in town, Louis parks his car outside of the Chinese restaurant Harry raved about earlier. The least he could do is make sure Harry enjoys the date. After all, his dad says the direct path to someone's heart is food.

Harry wasn't aware that this was where their date was going to take place, but Louis had managed to text Niall and get the name of the restaurant out of the Irish boy in time for dinner.

Originally, Louis hadn't planned for the date to be this soon when he told Harry he wanted to take him out a few hours ago. But there could always be more to come since this was turning into more of a casual dinner before they head back to Louis' flat.

When Harry's eyes land upon the worn neon sign that reads 'Lin's Bao and Noodlehouse' pure elation flashes on Harry's face.

"No way!" Harry exclaims, getting out of the car in a flash. "This is perfect, Louis. You can eat those buns I was telling you about!"

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