𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 10-hunger for her

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After the breakfast with the redhair fairy Musa got up from the table and walked away from the cafeteria she was walking in the long corridor full of students talking with each other about magic,the specialism class and other things she put her headphones on her ears and played her favourite song.

While the fairy was walking she bumped into another specialist he had dark brown hair with mullet style, light brown eyes and he has worn black jacket with chain on his sleeve, blue jeans and black t-shirt with skull on it.

"Sorry" she apologized when the guy turned around "No no it's fine you don't have to apologize" he said with kind smile across his face "Where are my manners my name is Luke and you are?" "Musa" she replied back with small smile across her face he was very kind person as she can see "So Musa you are a fairy probally? Or a specialist? I've been seen a women who are part of the specialism class" "Actually i am the first thing a mind empath fairy but i also love to fight" Musa said Luke just smiled at the fairy and nodded "Hey do you mind to show me where is the yard where the specialism class is? I am new here" Luke asked hoping finally someone to show him where is the yard for training etc.

"Oh yeah sure no problems!" Musa replied and then they both start walking into another direction for the yard.

While they were walking Luke and Musa had small conversation with laughs and jokes and then they arrived at the yard "And here is the yard i guess they started their class" Musa said with sigh under her breath "Thank you! You are a live saver!" Luke chuckled while he said that but then a eyes fulled with anger and jealousy stared at them what the actual fuck? the guy who stared at them thought and you know who is.

It was Riven again the jealousy get back into his body making his blood to boil bitting his lips from anger she js fucking mine how he dare to talk to her? His mind was burning of those thoughts his grip on the sword get tighter "Riv focus on the fight idiot" Sky tapped his head "Fuck sorry" Riven mumbled under his breath and continue his practice with his best friend but he couldn't stop the jealousy in his body he was a bit harsh with Sky in the practice "Yo dude what i've done to you? I swear i didn't steal your weed" Sky said jokely and protecting hisself from the angry jealous Riven.

"So Musa i guess you are having class right now and i don't want you to miss it because of me" Luke said again with smile across his face he didn't know what he was involve to "Actually i don't have class right now i can help you with the practice" Musa offered that was one big mistake, more anger boiled into Riven's veins his grip get more tighter and tighter She fucking offered to train with him? It was supposed to be me not him. Sky looked confused for a moment then he followed Riven's stare he looked at the direction where Riven was staring and saw Musa with another guy "Now i see why you are so unfocused the jealousy came back into your body. Man it's just a new guy here nothing will happen between them" Riven looked at Sky with dead stare and pointing at them with the sword "She is fucking laughing with him even offered him to train with her that is our thing not his i don't give a fuck if he is new or not she is fucking mine".

Sky was a bit scared and shocked at the same time Riven never acted like that everyone at that yard can confirm "I am sorry to say this but dude if you don't do something so you can make her 'yours' this guy has more chances than you literal version of Sam and you by the outfits so watch out".

Jealousy this feeling get more strongly in his body the death stare on the empath fairy and her new friend wasn't moving in another direction or when Sky was attacking his friend with the sword he protected hisself while he watched them very carefully, meanwhile Musa and Luke walked down the yard and they both hold two sticks for fighting Riven was super focused on them and still looked at them with deadly eyes written in them I'm gonna kill this little piece of shit. "So where we exactly can train i see a lot of spots are fulled with specialists who are training" Luke said walking next to the mind fairy "Well we can train over there" Musa pointed a empty spot without any human there they both walked to the spot walking past Luke's worse enemy and nightmare and his friend Sky.

"Riven bro you need distract yourself from them i mean Musa is not something you own she can be with who she wants just let's continue our practice" Sky said distrubing the jealous Riven he rolled his eyes and continue his practice with his best friend trying to ignore the fact that Musa was around another guy who wasn't him again it repeats the feeling the jealousy and the wish Musa to be his.

Musa and Luke stand opposite of each other ready to fight with the sticks Musa made some good moves who she learned from Riven but Luke was super impressing he had a lot of good moves more good than Riven's and Sky's in one it was hard for Musa to protect herself from him since he had super speed, very good tactics and he was more nimble when they over with the practice Musa was taking some breath and Luke walked a bit closer to her "Hey you okay? I am sorry if i exhausted you with this practice" he apologized Luke was very polite to Musa and super kind to her even she was the first person who he has spoken here.

"No no it's fine damn it you're good at the fighting from you it will become a good specialist" the mind fairy was super impressed from the new student "I spent half of my life to learn those skills but if you want i can teach you some" Luke offered Musa just nodded and Luke get behind the mind fairy gently touching her arms and giving her instructions that was the final straw for Riven he throw his sword on the grass and turning his hands into fists IT SHOULD BE FUCKING ME! He screamed inside his head Sky looked confused and then he looked at Musa and Luke how Luke was touching Musa's hands then waist and moving them "Riven hey hey breath and count to 10" Sky said picking up his sword "PUT THIS COUNT TO 10 AND BREATH IN YOUR FUCKING ASS SKY IT SHOULD BE FUCKING ME NOT HIM" Riven yelled throwing his hands in the air causing all attention on him even Musa's attention he stared at her at her beautiful eyes but walked away with fists "Wow he has a rough day as i can see" Luke said to Musa she only looked at the walking Riven who was leaving the yard with anger across his face and sighed "Yeah...let's just continue please" Luke just nodded and continue to give to Musa instructions and showing her some of his skills.

Meanwhile Riven stormed into the long corridor walking fastly to the other side of Alfea where was the boys's dorms he had enough of the shit who he saw at the yard "How the fuck she can allow him to touch her?! It need and it has to be fucking me not this asshole from nowhere!" Riven grumbed under his breath he reached his dorm and open the door then he slammed it behind him.

Riven never acted like that in his whole life he wasn't so mad and jealous at the same time he was mad for small things but not for a girl especially a girl who he didn't like at first the guy fulled with anger walked to his desk and took a bottle of vodka and start drink from it then he took a cigarette and start smoking again but he didn't feel calm or pleasured from these two things who helped him in his life he felt more anger, jealousy and wish to remove Luke from the picture for a moment Riven closed his eyes but then he throw the bottle straight at the wall causing the glass bottle to break apart into million glasses on the floor but he didn't care about the dump bottle right now  "Fuck what the hell is going on with me?!" He yelled at hisself sitting on the bed and thinking about the mind fairy "I fucking need her here next to me to kiss my fucking lips not to spend her time with this little stinky ugly hoe" Riven wasn't only full with jealousy he need it her body,her soft hair and lips,her neck where he left some hickeys he was hungry for more he had hunger for her.

𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐈𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔ૢ་༘࿐::| RivusaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora