𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 6-bro talking

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Meanwhile Riven was laying on his bed full of thoughts about the moment with the mind fairy "oh god why i am so fucking dump? She is dating this nerd" Riven mumbled with some jealousy in his voice he never felt that jealousy before or these hard feelings for a fairy those emotions and feelings didn't exist in his relationship with Beatrix and Theo maybe with Musa is different and he liked it a short mind fairy with beautiful brown hair, brown eyes and pretty smile is in his head now and in his dreams.

While the specialist was full of thoughts laying on his bed and smoking again his door get openned he moved his head and saw Sky his best friend to be in his room "Dude you're smoking more than anyone else" Sky said sitting at his couch Riven rolled his eyes and up his body from the bed "What you want? Did the fire fairy didn't give you sex or orgasms" Sky rolled his eyes and throw a pillow at his annoying friend "Shut the fuck up about my sexual life with Bloom anyway wanna hang out with the girls tonight? I just heard Musa had a rough moment with Sam" the last sentence made Riven to jump from the bed and walking to Sky "tell me about it right now" Riven said in very serious tone "Dude from when you care about her? You didn't stan her as what you said" Sky replied putting his hands behind his head "Well i am saying a lot of shit just fucking tell me or i swear when we get in a training i am gonna put the wooden sword straight into your ass that's not a threat it's a promies if you don't fucking tell me what exactly happened between the shorty and the nerd" Riven couldn't believe what he was saying to the blonde guy he never was so curious,worry or a bit annoyed.

"Chill man anyway Terra told to Bloom and she told to me that Musa broke up with Sam because she didn't feel the love between them or something like that which Sam accepted very peaceful but well for her she burst into tears and feeling guilty i mean if i was at her place i wouldn't blame myself to be happy" Sky said Riven's eyes widened so the happily ever after couple broke up? that's what he thought in his mind "Will she come with us tonight?" Riven asked walking around the room he felt happy and sad at the same time happy because he had some chances with her and sad that she was heartbroken for the break up with the nerd as how he called Sam "Yeah she will i guess this mind fairy is in your head" Sky said with smirk on his face making Riven fastly to turn around "Bullshit she is an red flag fairy i don't give a fuck about her" trying hide his true feelings from his friend and he was falling at it so bad.

Sky just smiled at him with the look 'are you sure about that?' "Yeah yeah speak this shit non stop you are crazy over the tiny fairy with magical powers to read mind If you can't stand her then why you trained with her earlier that day? " Riven's face turned into light red and put his right arm on his mouth "I don't know what you're talking about maybe it was other people who looked exactly like us." Riven said again looking in the other direction in the small dorm. "Riven no one can look like exactly like your self centered egoistic selfish ass or like her just admin it you are crazy over her" "Fuck fine! Yes i am fucking crazy over her i don't know what fucking spell she put on me when she looked into my eyes it's not normal to act like this it's super weird and bullshit that's not me! I am acting like you when the redhair fairy showed up what is fucking happening with me dude!" Riven yelled trolling his cigarette on the floor Sky just stared at him for a second and replied to him "Riven are you so dump enough? You are in love with Musa idiot it's normal for all people even for the men to act like that be honest she is the only one who knows what is happening in your giant head and your real self inside that fairy is the one as i can see" Riven looked confused for a bit "What's that supposed to mean ?" "it's called love idiot. You are madly in love with her be honest did you feel jealousy when you was seeing her with Sam?" Riven knew already Sky is knowing that he is in love with Musa he sighed and sat next to his best friend "Fuck yes i did what was so special in him? It should've been me to hold her soft arm and even to kiss her soft small lips ugh i sound like a cod talking those dump shitty stuffs" Sky laughed and tapped his shoulder "No man you are just in love with her like i am with Bloom you even sound like me when i spoke about Bloom".

Riven looked into his friend and smirked "Yeah while you was dating the blonde fairy" Sky punched him playfully in the shoulder "Yeah that's past and now i am with Bloom plus me and Stella are friends now and she probally found another love i mean her and Beatrix spend a lot time together even holding hands" Riven looked shocked a bit "So the blonde fairy is in love with my ex? What the hell? But anyway i don't give a fuck about it now i need win Musa's heart i mean to have fun tonight" "Dude you are pathetic at the lying or hidding something but anyway don't be an asshole tonight because i am sure she is not super in mood like she is usually" Sky said getting up from his couch and leaving the dorm Riven looked at the floor then smiled a bit he had a chance with his mind fairy and he would do everything but by a slow steps "she has to be mine" the specialist mumbled getting up from the couch and walking to his wardrobe to choose his outfit for tonight.

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