𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 4-training

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The next day came very fastly it was 7:30 am Riven was still in his dorm looking at the celling and smoking another cigarette he was addicted to the cigarettes a lot addicted to them but not the cigarettes were his addiction he had addiction also to one mind fairy who comforted him yesterday a small smile and smirk appeared on the specialist's face just then he heard a bang on his door probally it was Sky or someone else Riven rolled his eyes and yelled "Go the fuck away Sky don't you have something to do with the fire fairy?!" Riven wasn't morning person he actually stayed at his bed till 10 am and just drinking alcohol and smoking let's not forget he was in thoughts about Musa.

Riven get back to look at the celling but the bang didn't stop which annoyed him a lot "I'M FUCKING COMMING GOSH" he yelled jumping from his bed and wearing a black t-shirt he walked to the door and openned it with annoyed face then his expression changed when he saw Musa in front of him "Wow you didn't drink your coffee today and oh my god that dorm smells awful do you let fresh air here?" the mind fairy joked Riven rolled his eyes and asked her "What you want pixie?" Musa kinda blushed at the nickname he gave to her she cough a little bit "Do you forget something? Like a deal? Offer? Yesterday?" Riven looked confused for a bit then his memories hit him "Fuck sorry i literally forgot you can get inside if you want i need uh change and then we are going at the yard" "I can wait outside don't worry" Musa said with warm smile who made Riven get crazy over it he just nodded and closed the door then he fastly run to his wardrobe and took his uniform he removed his t-shirt and shorts then he worn his uniform then fixed his hair and openned the door again "Now let's go shorty" Riven said with a smirk Musa rolled her eyes and she replied to him "When we get at the yard i am gonna beat your ass with the big stick for that you called me shorty" "yeah yeah sure princess".

The specialist and the fairy walked out from Alfea then they both walked down the path Riven's eyes were looking only at Musa he couldn't stop stare at her her beautiful brown hair tied in two bubble tails,her soft skin,her beautiful small lips who he wanted to taste but he knew it is impossible because she was dating Sam and he didn't have any chances with her he sighed a bit and then they arrived at the yard "Are you sure you wanna fight with me pixie? I mean i don't wanna hurt you because ehem i am better than the other piece of shits" of course Riven need make hisself better than the others Musa just punched his shoulder playfully "Stop being so egoistic and take the sticks" Riven looked pissed for a moment but took a deep breath and took some two sticks and then he handed one to Musa "Let's see your fighting skills little mind fairy" Riven said with a smirk Musa rolled her eyes and she was ready to attack.

"First" Riven start speaking while doing cool moves with the stick "You need be focused on your opponent you need forget the other shit you are having you need beat the shit outta him" Musa listened very carefully what he was speaking he could notice her wish to be like him with the fighting skills "Second don't let him to attack you in your weak place you need have reflects to avoid his attack" just then Riven attacked Musa with the stick she fastly moved to the other side and took hers then she attacked Riven either they both showed some good moves then Riven grabbed Musa's stick and smirked at her "Third you don't have to allow to your opponent to steal your weapon" Musa again listened carefully "Well if he stole my weapon i can fight without it" Musa replied and avoid Riven's attacks with the stick she tried punch him with her left arm but he moved in the other side and smirked at her again "You actually have good fighting moves but you need work on them more better shorty" Musa get more annoyed from how he called her shorty "Okay that's it" Musa replied and attacked Riven many times as how she could avoiding to hurt him Riven was super impressed from her totally impressed how she could fight with and without weapon or powers just then Riven hit her with the stick on her leg which causing Musa to get infocused for a moment he took that in advance and attacked her without the stick putting Musa at the edge of the stage where all specialists trained Musa almost falled but then a strong arm grabbed hers and pulled her closer to him Musa looked at him and he looked at her with some smile "Well you are full of surprises Musa unlike Sky you are fighting more better than him plus i like fighting with someone different than a man" Musa chuckled and replied to him "Did i prove to you that a girl can also fighting like a guy?" Riven rolled his eyes and replied "Ugh i will admit it a girl can also fight like a guy but you still need work on your fighting skills shorty " "Can you fucking stop calling me that? I hate it!" Musa said with annoyed voice he liked to annoy her or seeing her mad they both get silence again only looking at each other like yesterday then he fixed Musa's bangs a little bit a blush showed on her cheeks Riven slowly leaned close to her lips but then realised what will happen if he kisses her "I can't do this you are with someone else better than me i uh gotta go" Riven freed her arm who he was holding and pulled away he jumped off the stage and walked fastly away leaving the mind fairy with blush and confuse at the same time she felt the butterflies in her stomach like the girls who are falling in love with someone else "oh no no..this can't be happening" Musa said to herself and fastly walked away from the yard she was falling in love with that bad boy.

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