Welcome To Jurassic World - Part 1

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Yasmina's POV -

I regained consciousness from crashing the van after I saw Sammy with Brooklynn's phone. How could she? How could she do this to all of us?

"Ow!" Ben exclaimed. I looked back. He looked alright, but we couldn't make sure. "Is everyone okay?" Darius asked worriedly. "Is everyone..?" I laughed at his stupid question. Of course, everything was NOT okay! I opened the van door and slammed it shut. I have had enough of everyone, of the mess we were stuck in.

"Yaz, wait! Wait, Yasmina!" Sammy called, but I ignored her.

"We're not okay!" I shouted at her, trying to get away. "We're in the middle of a jungle with a monster dinosaur out there!!! And you, you-"

"Destroyed our only way to get help and lied about it! I told you guys!" Brooklynn yelled. Darius looked sad. He stood up for Sammy when Brooklynn was accusing her earlier. "So, you did take Brooklynn's phone." Then he got angry, "Why? What were you doing?!" 

"Probably trying to erase my video of her taking those samples from the Sinoceratops!" Brooklynn stated bitterly. Sammy looked embarrassed. Well, she should be! Brooklynn walked closer to Sammy, waving her phone and saying, "And you knew about the Indominus Rex because you were snooping around Dr Wu's office when I ran into you. I knew it!"

Sammy started talking, "I didn't mean to destroy the phone. I fell on it when the zipline came down and-"

Ben stared at me with a sad expression. He interrupted Sammy. "But you did steal it? You had it that whole time, and you didn't tell us?"

Darius frowned, "Hold up, what were you doing in Dr Wu's office, Brooklynn?"

We all turned to Brooklynn. "I... It doesn't matter. I didn't break our only way to call for help and then lie about it!"

"This is not my fault! This is her fault!!! She-"

 "I'm here to spy!" Sammy yelled. Brooklynn turned quiet. I put my hands on my hips, waiting for her to continue. "For a company called Mantah Corp."

"Mantah Corp? They're a bioengineering company, big rivals with Masrani. They tried to make dinosaurs, too, but Wu beat them to it." Darius announced.

"You doomed us all for some lousy company?!" Ben cried. At this point, Sammy's eyes were filled with tears.

"Our ranch was in trouble, so my folks had to borrow a lot of money from some shady people. We didn't know they were fronting for Mantah Corp. They said we'd lose everything unless I spied for them. Use the behind the scenes access I'd get at camp to gather info from Wu's lab, and DNA from dinos, and whatever else they needed." Sammy turned to me miserably, "But then Brooklynn caught on, and I got scared, and then everything went wrong. This is the last thing I wanted to happen."

"Oh!" I scoffed at her face. "To be next to a broken van on Killer Dinosaur Island? Hey, me too! What are the odds?"

"Yaz, I-"

"Was it all a lie, wanting to be friends?" I asked bitterly. "Prentending you cared about... You just needed someone to hide what you were doing. Tell me I'm wrong." I waited for her to answer but she didn't. Tears streamed down her face. I walked away from her. "I'm such an idiot."

 "You are wrong! I just didn't know how to say it, how to explain to you. Just because I'm spied doesn't change who I am!"

Sammy put her hand on my shoulder to stop me from walking away. "Don't touch me!" I hissed. "Go away Sammy." She gasped and then ran away. 

Ben's POV -

Sammy ran away from us after Yasmina shouted at her. I don't blame Yasmina at all. Sammy deserved that. Yasmina walked up to us, looking really sad. Bumpy bellowed and went up to her. "Not now Bumpy." She muttered. I spoke up, "Look, I know the situation we're in is suboptimal-"

"It's trash. Just say it's trash, Ben." Brooklynn stated. I smiled slightly; I wasn't going to say that. "Yes, but despite the obvious trashitude, we need to-" Bumpy started jumping up and down and grunting loudly. "Bumpy, what are you-" I started but before I could complete my sentence, the Indominus Rex crashed through the jungle and roared at us. We screamed and ran to hide behind the broken van, Sammy ran after us as there was nowhere else to hide. "This is trash! This is trash!" I screamed. Darius was staring after the Indominus, "What the heck?" 

The Indominus was running away from something. Suddenly, we saw a helicopter firing at it. "Masrani's helicopter! That's his call sign on the tail!" Kenji yelled, pointing. "They're shooting at the Indominus!!" Darius cried and began dashing after it. We all followed him but stopped before we got too close to the Indominus. A loud crash echoed through the leaves. "What was that?" Brooklynn asked worryingly. "Yeah! Kick it's butt, Masrani!" Kenji whooped, shouting, "We're saved! Yeah, baby!"

As Kenji cheered, the helicopter crashed and exploded. A group of flying dinosaurs or something flew out of the aviary. "With those pteranodons loose, we're sitting ducks! We've got to take cover!" Darius cried. Kenji gasped and snatched the tablet from Brooklynn, "The Kayak River! The entrance is near here. It goes underground, beneath the ridge. If we follow it, it'll take us right back to the main park!"

"Then that's where we need to be! Come on!" Darius said and we started running. I had to run back as Bumpy started squealing but not moving. I grunted, trying to lift Bumpy when Darius ran back and helped me. We ran as fast as we could which wasn't that fast as we were carrying an ankylosaurus. We turned toward the bushes, almost reaching until my legs gave out. 

Darius and I both fell. "Bumpy, come on! We need to go in!" I shouted, watching the others reach the Kayak River entrance. An enormous pteranodon landed right behind us, screeching. We ran right into the entrance and straight through the door, which Yasmina closed on the pteranodon's face.

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