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Ben's POV -

Kenji and Darius did something wrong last night as Roxie told them to clear up the Dinosaur poop. At the same time, we all went to the genetics lab. The smell made me feel sick. I tried to get away as fast as possible.

We saw Brooklynn take a picture of Kenji and Darius holding shovels. We all got into the truck. Somehow, I was sitting next to Yasmina. Dave threw a bottle into Darius' hand. "Cologne, that'll help with the smell." "And the ladies, what-what? But mostly the smell." And with that, we set off for the genetics lab.

Yasmina's POV -

I was next to Ben as we set off for the genetics lab. After a few minutes, he started humming a catchy tune while spreading sanitiser over his arms. 

He quit humming after he realised I was staring at him... again. "I really should stop staring." I thought. "Sanitiser." He explained while rubbing sanitiser on his leg. "Who knows what kind of creepy Dino goo is in that lab? Gotta be ready for anything." 

"He's got a point." I thought. He continued, " The world is a grab-bag of gross, and we are all along for the moist, sticky roller coaster ride called life.

I blinked. I have never heard him talk that much before. I picked up Ben's sanitiser and started rubbing it on my hands.

In a few minutes, we arrived at the genetics lab. " It's so shiny in here!" stated Sammy.

"Not anyone can come here, you know," Roxie told Brooklynn, who was filming the lab. Dave agreed, "Yep, this is where the magic happens." He caught sight of Dr Henry Wu, who makes the dinosaurs in Jurassic World and started doing a sort of rhyming rap.

"Doc Wu-Wu! Guess who's ready to have a blastocyst from the pastocyst?" " The mitosis with the mosisis! We're ready for some chromosomes, my bro-mosome. Wu, there it is!" I saw Dr Wu walking away from Dave and ignoring him. "I can do more."

"Please don't." Replied Roxie. 

Ben's POV -

"Oh, I think one of these eggs is about to hatch!" Dave shouted.

Brooklynn, Yasmina and I all gathered around the hatching egg. I didn't realise Sammy wasn't there. "Is that a tail?" Yasmina gasped.

She was right. Suddenly the egg-shell cracked and liquid sprayed all over me. Everyone was disgusted, including me. " Oh-ooh! Eeeeew, ew, ew, ew!" I kept saying. Don't blame me, I am very hygienic.

The baby dinosaur cracked the shell and it started rolling to the end of the table. I managed to catch it while Brooklynn was filming.

"Sweet! One of its head-bumps is bigger than the other!" She exclaimed

Yasmina's POV -

"Well, that's it, Ben. Look's like you live here now." Roxie commented to Ben still clutching the tiny dinosaur. "Time for you all to leave!" Declared Dr Wu as he shoved Brooklynn forward from her shoulder. "Clearly, this group has no respect for my lab." "But... what about Bumpy?" Ben mumbled. "You gave it a name? That's precious!" Dave exclaimed.

I smiled at the name Bumpy but Ben didn't look like he wanted to smile. He looked close to tears. Wu snatched Bumpy away from his hands.

"The asset will soon be released into a herd of Ankylosauruses. Then she will be their problem." We all stared at Dr Wu, thinking about what we should do next. Obviously, he didn't want us here. We all made it outside to the truck. 

After a bit, the truck pulls back to Kenji and Darius, but they are oddly out of breath... too out of breath. Roxie notices that too. "Why are you two so out of breath?" 

"Just doing the job we're told... how was the field trip?" stated Darius.

"Oh, well, um, you know, Ben fell in love with a dinosaur and Super Star here, got us booted from the lab." Brooklynn did not take that lightly.

"How'd poop patrol go?" Sammy asked. 

"Awesome, you all should've seen how I owned-" Kenji was cut off by Darius. 

" -This valuable experience! Um, learned a lot about ourselves and uh... yep!

Roxie sniffed," Well then, hit the showers. And maybe stay in there for a while." "Use soap...Lots of soap!" Ben said in a nazel voice as he was closing his nose and we drove off. 

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