Present Mic

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A/N - this guy is way too under-rated, literally my favorite character after Sero.

People find Hizashi quite annoying because of how loud and obnoxious he is to them- which makes him feel like a burden whenever he yells even though he can't help it because it's literally him quirk.

Shota is quite literally the only person who tolerates him... only because (erasuremic).... Mic feels like he annoys Shota because of how they're polar opposites, even though it's the opposite. Shota actually loves listening to Hizashi ramble and talk non-stop about his life and his thoughts.

We already know that Hizashi gets a dry and hurt throat when he overuses his quirk. Now just imagine him going through puberty with his quirk and all the voice cracks.

Hizashi gets over excited about things because he's childish like that, so he tells Aizawa about every little thing. He talks about his favorite Pokémon all the way to the new sunglasses he has. He thinks it must drive Aizawa INSANE. But the brunette actually LOVES listening to it. (Practicly the same as the other one).

(I hate this heacanon but whatever):
Since his quirk makes him super loud, Present Mic has gone deaf and can't hear without hearing aids.
(I don't think it would happen because I think he has a tolerance to loud sounds that's necessary, just like how Endeavor has a tolerance to fire on his skin, Mic has a tolerance in his ears.)

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