Sherlock is brought out of his reverie by John spreading his legs and he leans down eagerly. John's puckered hole is fresh and clean— no doubt he washed it thoroughly during his bath earlier. A fastidious, fussy beta army doctor is who Sherlock wants to bed and just hearing those words in his head makes him giddily happy. John, John, John. He realises he must have been saying the last part out loud when John sits up, looking at him in part fondness and exasperation.

"If you must know, it's been a long time since I've been bedded. Most betas I date-"

"Preferred to be the one on the receiving end," Sherlock finishes. "Nothing wrong with that. We've got lube and a whole night ahead of us, John." He smiles a little at the blush that creeps up John's neck.

"Well, yes." Sherlock kisses him leisurely, hands moving over him possessively and rubbing their stiff pricks together. John's body responds to the stimulation, and Sherlock checks after a while. There is a clear glisten around John's entrance, a musky fluid that makes Sherlock's mouth water. It's certainly no omega pheromone, nothing so extreme as that. Not alpha-snaring, mother nature's trap for two out of three sexes— but something decidedly John, and Sherlock licks it. Once to sample, before plunging in and going to town. His tongue works into the ring of muscle and John squeaks and squirms, undignified, hands fisting in the covers as he digs his heels in.

What a delicious response.

"I'm just—" John breaks off in a cry when Sherlock swipes his tongue firmly, pushing out against the soft tissue. "I'm ready, oh god, Sherlock!" John whines and bucks his hips. Sherlock's nose mashes against John's skin, slick with his own saliva and John's secretions. Sherlock draws out and applies lube to where his tongue had been only a few seconds ago before smearing the rest of the handful on his cock.

John's face is bright red and his features are scrunched up, eyes shut tight as he pants becomingly. Sherlock draws up to kiss John on the neck, hand grabbing a firm arse cheek and sliding down to pull John's thigh up, hitching it over his shoulder. Dear, squirming, flexible John.

"Enjoyable?" Sherlock asks, angling his hips so that his cock rubs between John's spread cheeks, feeling the slick there.

"What are you, daft?" John says incredulously. "Or is this just you angling for a compliment?"

The head of Sherlock's cock catches on the loosened pucker and he pushes in, relishing the strangled moan John gives as he buries his face in Sherlock's hair. The inexorable push forward makes John gulp and his thighs shiver, his entrance spasming when it wraps around the head of Sherlock's cock.

"Angling for a compliment," Sherlock bites out. John smiles and shifts his hips the slightest bit, feeling Sherlock slip in deeper. Sherlock hangs his head and noses into John's cheek before moving forward again, lips pressed to salty skin. John squeezes his eyes closed when Sherlock pushes in even further. Sherlock finally bottoms out, balls slapping against John's arse when he jerks the final inch in.

"Sherlock," John slurs, hands coming up and wrapping themselves around Sherlock. John's leg has long slipped from Sherlock's shoulder, the sweaty back of his knee in the crook of Sherlock's elbow. Sherlock swivels his hips, getting used to the feeling of John around him. John makes a surprised noise and starts, surprised-tight around Sherlock.

"Well, do that again," John says. Sherlock complies. They set up a rhythm and Sherlock never wants this to end. He likes the feeling of John meeting his thrusts, and John's expressions whenever Sherlock does anything unexpected. He likes John very, very much. It's something he's never felt before in relation to other people, but John brings it out in him.

When they come, it's sudden. John jerks sharply and makes a soft noise in the back of his throat, a groan caught in flesh, and comes all over his own belly. Sherlock braces himself with two hands and pants as John's passage massages him into orgasm. Sherlock pulls out and taps the remaining drops onto John's spent cock.

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