"WHY THE HECK DIDNT YOU TELL ME THAT EARLIER!!" Buggy threw Mohji towards the four. "But I did!!!"

"OOHHAAA GET OUT THE WAY!" Mohji flew at the four. "You get out the way!" Y/N lifted his foot up and kicked Mohji to the other direction.

"The fight has begun!! Luffy smiled.

"Buggy's pirate fleets bauchou 'Cabaji the Acrobat' I'll avenge the pain youve caused to my fleet!" Mohji cycled with unicycle to attack them but got stopped by Zoro.

"If it's swords, I'm all for it." Zoro put his third sword in his mouth.

"It is an honour Roronoa Zoro, as a swordsman I get to slay you." Cabaji pointed his sword at Zoro.

Y/N and Luffy noticed that Zoro was shaking a little. "Look Zoro, I think it's better if me or Y/N do it." He suggested.

"You should take a rest." Y/N added.

'It's the wound he got from fighting captain.. so he's been taking the pain to stay standing up such a fool!' Cabaji thought to himself.

"Acrobat technique 'fire trick!'" Cabaji blew fire at Zoros face.

And as Zoro was distracted he went on and used his foot to kick Zoro in the wound.

"KUAAACHHKK" Zoro exclaimed falling backwards. "Eh! What's this? I didn't kick you that hard, did I?" Cabaji acted shocked.

"You dirty bastard!! Aiming to the wounded area..!" Nami protested.

"Acrobat technique, Murder Mist Trick!" He rotated his sword fast enough to cause a fog. "Some trick.. it's just a cloud of dust!" Zoro scoffed.

Cabaji attacked from within the dust and caught Zoro off guard so he kicked again at Zoro's wound.

Cabaji attacked from within the dust and caught Zoro off guard so he kicked again at Zoro's wound

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"AAAAAHHHH!" Zoro yelled out in pain. "That bastard did it again!!" Nami exclaimed.

"What's wrong? A grown man rolling around, crying out loud is absolutely pathetic to watch.." Cabaji teased again.

"Because of your partners odd power we've suddenly gone to pieces.. even though you're a 'pirate hunter' making the Buggy Pirate Fleet your enemy was a big mistake."

Zoro gasped trying to get himself up.

"Fighting with that injury was already too much from the start!! Why are you two just watching with a silent stone face, that guy's gonna die!!" Nami turned to Y/N and Luffy.

"Roronoa Zoro! Go to the next world!" Cabaji cycled towards Zoro but instantly got smacked by the back of Zoro's sword.

"Eh!?" Nami exclaimed. "Oooh!!" Luffy laughed. "Heh.." Y/N smiled.

"What an annoying guy!! Do you find tearing up my wound that fun." Zoro scoffed he suddenly used his sword to cut up his own wound.

" Zoro scoffed he suddenly used his sword to cut up his own wound

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