Chapter Six: The Collision

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Staying up all night to check the CCTV footage with his security team not only just brought no silver lining at the end of this deep shit he was buried in but also left him with a bad cold after drinking too many bottles of ice-cold water.

Bad turned to worse when he went home and had a too-long cold shower until his eyes turned red. The target was to dissipate the fury-induced heat that ran through his veins and was beginning to settle into his brain. He did achieve his target but ended up sneezing and coughing since dawn. Having meds made things a bit better, but it didn't provide any complete or instant recovery.

With a blocked nose and a dull but irritating headache, he arrived at work hours later.

Maya had called when he was in the car.

He appreciated the fact that she understood he was in no mood to go through any cheesy goodbye session. He did apologize for not seeing her off at the airport at the very least. A thief was running loose, very much undetected, and was certainly going to strike again.

He sniffled into tissue as another sneeze shook his facial muscles.

"Do you want another coffee?" Kim asked as Kyle pulled over at the side of the road.

Alex eyed the Starbucks right next to Quartz. Guess where most of his employees go when they get breaks? They, perhaps, thought of this place as a nirvana outside of his hell.

"No. There's no point in having another," he replied, clearing his throat that was suddenly feeling so scratchy from the inside. As Kyle opened the car door, he got out and stood buttoning up his suit. "The scent of coffee is the best part of it, and I can't enjoy the pleasure of it due to my annoyingly blocked nose."

For some reason, Kim and Kyle glanced discreetly toward the people coming out of Starbucks with cups in their hands. The two seemed a bit hesitant. 

Alex could feel their hesitation sharply pricking his skin. 

It's either because they felt protective of him and didn't want to leave him alone, or they felt scared of him and feared getting scolded by him.

Instinctively, he suggested, "But you guys can go have some coffee if you so want to."

He didn't have to say twice. His brows raised as they both left to stand in the long line.


Sure, those two had also spent a sleepless night alongside him. But what the fuck were they both doing in that line? Couldn't just one of them go with both of their orders?

They were wasting way too much time.

And the worst fact was that he himself had given the encouragement and permission for them to do just that.

Deciding to proceed without the assistance of his assistant and security, after so long, he started striding down the way to the entrance of Quartz.

Unfortunately, the day seemed to be truly an ominous one.

Out of nowhere, a petite girl in her early twenties tripped on the sidewalk on her own bloody shoes, and a splash of scorching liquid heat slammed all over his chest.

"Agh, fuc*ing Christ!" He hissed.

It was probably a planned attack on him for how could of his chest with such precision? Not a single drop was missed. She poured all the coffee right at the center of his chest from the cup that was still clutched in her hand was all over the middle of his chest, changing the color of his pristine white shirt.

"Who's sent you, woman? Tell me this instant," he bellowed at her face.

"Huh? Excuse me!" And she had the guts to act shocked. "Wait! That day— Aren't you the guy from the Shinto—"

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