days of dread

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Alex had been at breacons beacons for a week now and currently, he hates it. He has to distance himself from D-unit without them realising it - which is very hard, considering how to get is always observing him. Then, he has to try avoid K-unit without anyone trying to realise he is doing that. He tries his best to not get in trouble so that he doesn't have to see Sargeant. And so far, it's bin hard.

There has bin quite a few moments that Alex dreaded the most. But at the same time, was able to learn things about D-unit. Now let me show you once of them.

• day one :

I dreaded what was about to come next. I had just started a conversation with my uni- K-unit, in front of my unit! They even joined in, though things got a little out of hand. I was able to stop it and dragged them away.

"What the hell was that?" I looked at them, dead in the eye. "Why would you ask that?"

"What?" Bear looked genuinely confused.

"That mission was obviously a sensitive topic, if they won't tell you what happened then don't push it!" I place my head in my hands. "I know you wanna help but if they won't tell you what's wrong, than try cheer them up and maybe then, they'll tell you. " I continued. "Then you can help even more."

"Ok that makes sense..." Koala muttered.

"Why are you so serious about them." Tiger asked. "You guys just met."

Alex mentally kicked himself for acting like that. He then sighed.

"I'm serious because I can tell how broken they feel, it's in their eyes, like they're greifing!" I began spilling words before even realising it, and I found that I couldn't stop. "And I know how they feel." I mumble under my breath quite enough so no one hears me. "Listen I'm leaving, but here's a peice of advice, if you want to help K-unit then don't push them, then they won't trust you!" With that, I left.

I sigh to myself. Things were going well and it got ruined already. It's only the first day. But only now I've realised how much K-unit has grown on me. Those two months were truly enjoyable, even if I was on a long ass mission. Ben. I haven't realised how much I missed Ben. He and K-unit really helped with my greif for Jack...

Suddenly the bell rang. Oh. It's time to train now I guess. Ok. Don't do anything that Alex would do. I've bin quite successful on that until meeting K-unit. God knows how much I'd fail if I met Tom. Oh. I hope he is ok with my death. I hope he's coping...

I snap back to reality and realise that I need to go to training. I have languages first. That's good, I'll just stick to Spanish, German and French. It's foreign languages, everyone learns them. But maybe I shouldn't be fluent in all. Julian's French and German is good but isn't fluent. His Spanish will be fluent and I'm fluent in English. That's good enough.

I have reached the cabin where I will be doing my class. Quite a few soldiers were heading my way, coming back from the mess hall. I look inside the cabin and froze. Ben was there. Shit. Shit. Shit. Ok, calm down. Maybe he won't sit next to me! I was about to go in, but a few soldiers went in before me. I quickly rush in and sit down at the back. This way, no one will notice me unless they observe the room.

I relax my posture to not raise any suscpusion from anyone. I look at ben, he is currently staring into space. He seemed to have stopped as he flickered his eyes and started looking around the room. This startled me so I just tried looking the other way. Then I feel someone's eyes on me. I look up to see Ben standing over me.

"Gahh!!" I flinch. "Jeez, no need to scare me like that!"

"Sorry, I'm fox by the way, from K-unit." He guestered the seat. "Can I sit here."

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