welcome to hell

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"I have to say that you're pretty talented." Sargeant commented.

"Thank you sir." I reply almost automatically.

"I think that you will be a successful soldier!" Sargeant was still keeping a straight face. "I'll be placing you will D-unit, you'll be the new sharpshooter, we do not use names here, you will be called jaguar."

"Ok sir."

"Good, the rules are that if I hear one complaint - you're binned, you give away information to other units and you're binned, you will respect every instructor here - calling them sir - do you understand?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Good, now here is a map of the camp, there are also explanation on how everything works here."

"Ok, thank you sir." I nod at Sargeant. "I shall be leaving now."

Sargeant nodded. I got up from my chair and Sargeant's cabin. I didn't really need the map but still carried it anyways, I cannot take any chances. God, I can't believe I'm doing this. I ran away from MI6 - faking my death - just to be back at breacons beacons. Not like I had any other choice. If I stayed in the open any longer, people might get suspicious. Right now no one is suspicious of my death. I cannot risk anyone asking questions.

I'll have to maybe hold back a little and not do anything Alex would do. K-unit is still here, they should have already of healed by now. I wonder how Ben is coping with my death. And the rest of k-unit, I made some connections with them on the mission. God how pathetic of me. How am I that weak that I was not able to keep my walls up. I should've actually of killed myself.

"Death doesn't end pain, it passes it on"

God, stupid fox. Passing these words into my head. If he hadn't had said that then maybe I would of actually bin six feet under. But at the same time, jack wouldn't of wanted that. She would of probably yell at me for even think of that.

Great. Now I'm at my new unit's cabin. I still look a little young, like twenty - twenty one? I look a little older thanks to the pain I had to suffer on the mission. It helped with changing my looks, I just had hair dye my hair and wear contacts. I now have black hair with blue eyes and and look as if I'm twenty. I have already worked on my accent, I had gotten used to speaking with a slight Spanish accent. As if I just moved to England not long ago. But that's off topic. I still look young, so they will most likely underestimate me.

I knocked on the door. There was no need for a dramatic entrance. A man opened the door he looked around twenty seven with blond hair and brown eyes. He was quite muscular and a little taller then me. He looked at me confused.

"Why you here?" He asked eyeing me then he relaxed his posture as if an idea came to mind. "Oh, are you our new member?"

"Yes, I am actually so you can relax, I'm jaguar, nice to meet you!" I smile.
I had to match my persona, I'm supposed to be a normal, calm guy.

"I'm koala." He then moved aside - allowing me to get inside. "Come in, I'll introduce you to the others."
I nod than walk inside the cabin and immediately take in my surroundings. A habit.

"You look a little young to be here." A man on the right side of the room judged.

"Haha, yeah I get that alot." I smile and turn to him to examine him. He seems more big and muscular then koala. He had a slight Scottish accent, yup defiantly Scottish. He had black hair and brown eyes.

"Lay off him tiger." This came from another figure in the room - on the left side. "Hey I'm bear, the linguist and that's tiger the team leader and koala is the medic, you're our new sharpshooter right?"

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