Ten: Chill

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(One night of Crazy German Sister Sex Later)

So after Bismarck went full Akagi Mode and Yanked my V-Card. Also shes tight AF and has massive Melons, even Forced me to Sleep Inside her. and weirdest of all Told me would get Married which made me Blush like crazy and made me question my Existence. Heck she even Sucked me Off when i woke up.

Anyways Im trying to Calm down by Playing Ace Combat Multiplayer which can somehow connect to Servers Across the Multiverse and Fucking the Shit out of People.

??? "Language!"

??? "Uhh, Pixy. I thought you would be more... Menacing..."

Tirpitz "Who the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... Sheisse."

You're Probally wondering who im Talking to. It was the Sailor Warriors, and you all Remember with my Second Encounter with this world Right Buddy?

Moon "Buddy?"

Tirpitz "You Need anything Mein Friends?"

Venus "Well... We heard about... You Know and just wanted to check up."

Tirpitz "Little Bias. But Ok."

Chibi Moon "C-Could you please Teach me how to Fly? Mommy said i have to wait but i wanna do it Now!"

Tirpitz "Kid, You Prepared to do a Post-Stall Maneuver at Mach 2?"

Ok, I admit i was being a little Horrifying when i Said that. So after scaring Chibi a little. We ended up Chilling with mostly Everyone left Elsewhere. I say Mostly since Usagi was Essentially a Japanease Cecilia. Kept bugging me of my Encounter and my "Rude Behaviour" when basically every Girl here is at least Somewhat a Tsundere. So anyway i decided to head to Bismarcks room only to find her still Horny and actually PAYING Akagi to sit on her if you know what i mean. So after walking into that Embaressing Situation im with Enty and Bunker Hill at the Fleet Lounge with our Crews.

Tirpitz "Anything Else?"

Cleveland "No, Thats basically everything Enty can do."

Tirpitz "Huh, Anyways what Now?"

Bunker Hill "How about we play a game~"

U-410 "You said that Seductivaley..."

Bunker Hill "Because were gonna play Truth or Dare~"

Enterprise "You wanna Embaress us, Dont You?"

Pittsburgh "Flagship, You cant just... You Know..."

Bunker Hill "What? Its Fun!"

Clemson "How about you Pixy?"

Tirpitz "... How do you know that name??"

Clemson "Dont you know? We all have Nicknames! Mine is Orange by the way."

Thank God. But now i dont know if they mean it or are just teasing me.

Tirpitz "Right... Anyway, how about we play a Game, a Video Game."

Enterprise "What is it called?"

Tirpitz "Its called. Call Of Duty."

(3 Hours of Shooty mcShoot Shoot later.)

I think i got Enterprise hooked for Life on this game, She hasnt stopped ever since her First Multiplayer Game, Lets just hope that this dosent affect her on the Battlefield.

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