Five: "Reunion"

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Bismarck came running at me like a X-02 Wyvern going in at Full Throttle and Tackled me like A Offensive Lineman. i landed on my Back which im pretty sure Is not Good For Spine and She Started to Cry into My outfit.

"Schwester! Its you! It Is R-R-R-Really You!"

"B-Bismarck? Is that you?..."

"JA! Its Me Schwester! Big Sister is here!"

I honestlty felt bad knowing i was impersonating Her Sister, but i mean its not like i have any other choice. Plus being this "Red Wing Of Hell" would of been alot more boring since i would of just been stupidly OP and instead actually talk with ACTUAL anime people. But soon i could feel another Body on my beat up Spine, and it was "Mother" Also crying into my Dress.


Now i was straight up getting emotional for a Family that i have no Memory of until now. But if i Cry, then it would make more Sense.

"Come Tirpitz! I will Tell You Everything! And we can finally Be Sisters!"

Bismarck. The most Cold Kansen, Even colder then Enterprise. Had tears in her eyes which at any Moment would mean that someone had not only Snapped her Heartstrings, but then proceded to Rip apart the Heart itself as well. FDG also had Tears in her Eyes barely hanging on from pounding me into the Ground.

"Its okay Schwester, And could you please wipe those Tears from Your Eyes?"



What madlad made Bismarck like this? Because i want to thank them since i am not in the Mood to deal with a Bismarck that speaks with Venom in even the most normal coversations. 

"*Sniff* Tirpitz... We have so much to do! But first. *Sniff* I g-guess i need to tell you about this world. M-Mama?"

"*Sniff* Of course child."

"Wait, why arent we at The Front Desk?"

"I-Ill explain that r-right now... R-Right. Y-You see... This world has a lot of things that didnt exist from the world you came from. The Most Notable being Alien-Like Technology and Magic. As for us. We have been granted Bodies by Wisdom Cubes. These Cubes are essentially the things that make us Life. We also can summon our Ships into "Riggings" Riggings are essentially ships that are Attached to our bodies in which we can still Control our Guns. I will teach you this as soon as were done here. And one more thing. The worlds borders are a lot different from what you remember. Some countries are the same, Some are different, some might not even exist while unknowns take their place. Just dont say i didnt Warn you."

"Uh, Ok then. But what is this "Red Wing Of Hell" ive been hearing about?"

This made both of them shiver which was a clear sign of saying that despite me only having 3 Encounters, i was feared around the world.

"S-Sorry, i didnt mean to bring up a bad topic..."

"No! Its just that... Everyone gets scared whenever that Name is called upon. Now i wouldnt just tell this anyone, but since you are my Sister and i hate Secrets; ill tell you this. But you need to promise not to tell anyone."

"Of course Schwester."

"Gut. Now. The Red Wing Of Hell is something that had never appeared before and is already causing major Problems. When it first appeared. 6 Infinite Stratos 3rd generation Suits were sent to Intercept it. But it didnt Cooperate and they were then tasked with Shooting it down. But it Dived down and... Reached the Speed of Sound...


"That was my Reaction when i heard that too. It then Started to Attack the I.S easily taking out all of them before laying its eyes on the rest of us... It showed no Mercy. It picked us off one by one like it was having Dinner. Even the strongest fell and the only ones left were the one that helped Evacuate the Civilians since any Hostile in Tokyo was considered Defcon 0. But despite this. It just... Left... Like it didnt even mean to Attack and just did it in self defense, that and it barely did any Civilian Property and those that were damaged would take at most 2 Weeks to Repair which was very small. At first the United Nations wanted to kill it until its Second Enconuter with Sailor Moon happened. It seemed to be Artifical Intelligence since it spoke Gibberish, but it Disengaged clearley not wanting to fight. Then its Third and weirdest one yet. The Island of Ogasawara. I was heard that the Fleet Escorting you had to leave to Deal with it Ja?"


"Fuso, The leader of said Fleet took on the Fleet of the International Villan League: A Organization that is trying to destroy our world that we worked hard to built. Their leader Constellation took on Fuso. And just when things looked for a Constellation Victory. The Red Wing Strook. Saving Fuso and Destroying the rest of the fleet until Reinforcements Arrived before quickly Escaping. 

"So is it Evil?"

"That is something everyone is trying to Figure out. Really everyone Considers it Lawful Evil."

"Huh, so i guess that Wraps everything."

"Wait! Theres Two Things Still! The first was that we heard its True Voice for the first time. It sounded like a Belkan with Southern Royal Star Origin in its Mid 30s. and The Second was that i need to assign you your Personal Fleet!"

"Im sorry my what?"

"Any Flagship needs their own Personal Fleet! If not they will fall to Sufficent Manpower!"

Guess thats fair enough.

"If so, what type of ships are to be my Escorts?"

"Thats for you to decide."

"Well then. Could you perhaps Spare a Pair of Konisberg Class Cruisers. a Group of Type 1936A Destroyers, and a Pair of Type 9 U-Boats?"

"Huh, you already decided? Well then, i do actually have that exact amount of Ships on standby and i can Tell there aching for Fun. Very well then."

She pulls out A piece of paper and starts writing. 3 Minutes Later shes done and hands Me it and it says this: From here on: The Tirpitz Personal Fleet will Consist of the Following Members:

KMS Karlsruhe Konisberg Class Light Cruiser

KMS Koln Konisberg Class Light Cruiser

KMS Z26 Type 1936A Destroyer

KMS Z28 Type 1936A Destroyer

KMS Z24 Type 1936A Destroyer

KMS Z20 Type 1936 Destroyer

KMS U-410 Type VIIC U-Boat

KMS U-522 Type IXC U-Boat

KMS Tirpitz Bismarck Class Battleship

This will be In service Effective Immediatley Under Orders of KMS Bismarck and KMS Friedrich Der Große. This Fleet will have High Command under Kaiser Wilhelm II and be lead by KMS Tirpitz.

I could only smile at Bismarck and we shared a Hug with FDG joining in as well. All of us could only embrace eachother really, and even if their not my Actual Family. I gotta make the most of it.

"Come On Schwester, Let me Teach you how to summon Your Rigging Now!"

I could only Nod as Bismarck grabbed my Hand and forced me out of her Office. And thats when i remember i hadnt Eaten, Drinken, Or slept since coming here. And ive been here 5 Days. Belkan Witchcraft i guess. But now i just realized that within the span of a week. I went from Chilling in the Real World to having my Own Personal Fleet in the Anime World. Life justs works very Differently.

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