Chapter 5: Beach

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I linger somewhere between sleep and consciousness for a few moments, trying to decide if it's time to get up. The sun is piercing, even through closed eyes, so I shove my face deeper into my pillow to block out the light. Only, I miss my pillow, and am somehow greeted with a face full of sand.

I wiggle my toes and bare feet. Sand?

I taste the air on my dry tongue; it's salty and humid. I smack my lips at the dryness, tasting sticky-guck in the corners of my mouth.

Finally I sit up, and open my eyes. Miles and miles of blue waves crash, roll, and spray onto the rocky beach in front of me. I stare at the water, half dizzy from cognitive dissonance, and half dizzy from... well... being dizzy. I realize I can only see out of one eye, and it's kind of blurry.

Still if I focus hard enough, I can make out seagulls cawing and circling above the water. I stare at the birds in a stupor, unsure if I'm alive, or dead. I have no recollection of coming to a beach, or why my body is in so much pain. My right shoulder hurts so bad, I fear it may be broken, or fractured. The rest of me feels like it's gone through a meat grinder.

I watch the birds as I grow more and more confused. They flap and dive after receding waves, minding their own business.


A lone seagull, the one who flew the highest, explodes in the sky and comes hurtling down like a comet of flame and smoke. Pieces of bird corpse crash onto the beach in small thuds.


I tear my gaze from the small craters landing inches from my feet, disgusted and heart broken at the poor bird. I stare at my legs, trying to look anywhere else.

I see purple bruises and scratches snaking across my arms and legs. Shreds of blackened fabric and grime cover the rest of my body. 'What happened to me?'

I glance at the seagull's charred corpse, and look at my burnt clothes. My gaze flickers back and forth, back and forth, to the bird, then my clothes. I can barely make out pieces of what used to be my favorite white sweater.

Wind drives the scent of burnt feathers up my nostrils. I turn away, repulsed.

"It is against Nature." Says a low angry voice.

I jump, startled at another voice and look for whoever spoke. I look all around, but I don't see anyone.

'I must have hit my head, and now I'm hearing voices.'

Actually that would explain why I can't remember how I got here. The last thing I remember is walking to school, and I was standing next to Tirlos's fence.

"I must have hit my head..." I say aloud, my voice cracked and dry, "And now I have amnesia."

"You must find water, or we will both die." Says the strange voice again.

It sounds like they are right next to me. I look all around and fail to see anyone nearby. I do, however, find my backpack a little ways off.

Fireworks crack behind my eyes and I gasp at the pain.

"Ahhhhhh" I wince, as my arm goes slack.

I close my eyes and grit my teeth, waiting for the horrible feeling to subside. It takes a couple seconds, but in the realm of pain it feels like an eternity. Finally agony is replaced by a hollow ache. I open my eyes and resume my mission, this time one handed.

I scoot closer to my backpack. I notice that it's singed, but not on fire, unlike the bird corpse next to me. I praise God in this moment, thankful for the one thing that has gone right. I grab one of the straps with my left hand and pull it closer.

Frantically unzipping the bag, I grab the water bottle in the front pocket and ferociously gulp down the contents. It's warm, a little hot, but I don't care. I drink as much as I can without getting sick then screw the cap back on.

The pounding in my head finally quiets to a humming.

With a refreshed brain, I look at my half naked body and decide that this simply won't do. I remember my work uniform folded in my backpack under the books. What I'm wearing now, or should I say not wearing, is absolutely unacceptable.

The singed black and brown fabric barely holds onto my skin. I am too exposed, especially if a predator comes traipsing down the beach and happens upon me.

I pull out the purple Charles N' Cheezy Polo from my back pack. The zipper is half melted, but the hole is big enough for me to stick my hand through and grab the shirt. I also find my freshly washed gym shorts. I'm so glad I washed these the night before, or else I wouldn't have any pants. It's not the prettiest outfit, but at least my sensitive areas won't get sunburned while I wait for help.

Somehow, I'm able to get the shorts over my butt, but getting the shirt on is a whole ordeal. I learn very quickly it's best not to move my right arm at all. I get one arm through the sleeve, and let the other hang slack. This will have to do for now.

Wind catches my hair and pulls it towards the vast ocean. My eyes follow the tangled black strands to the persistent waves kneading at the sand. If I wasn't in The Twilight Zone this would be a nice scene, but the endlessness of blue and chaos reminds me how alone I feel. I stare at the birds flying above. Despite one of their own EXPLODING, they continue flying and living, like nothing ever happened. Just like that, I know there is only one thing stronger than loneliness...


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