Chapter 18- Introduction, Returns and Walls

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            { Niall's POV }

   The first movement that happened in the group was Calum, almost tripping over himself as he bowed. The rest just stood there, too shocked to do anything.

"Uh, Calum. What are you doing?" I said.

   He got up sheepishly. "Um, nothing. Nevermind," he said quickly.

   Ashton spoke. "But- but you're dead!"

"No," my father said quietly. He seemed to be talking towards me the most. "I have been kept prisoner here for years. With barely anything to eat or drink. It wouldn't torture me or anything, but still . . . . The constant roaring and screaming of it's victims." His voice was a whisper now, but it was so quiet that it was almost loud. "I heard your voice. I thought I was dreaming. But it really was you."

   I smiled at him. Someone from the group coughed. "Oh, right. Dad this is Calum, Harry, Sophia, Ashton, Luke, Louis and Zayn." He smiled at each one.

"Not to be rude, but why are you dressed like that. What happened to all your pretty dresses?" he asked quizzically.

"Oh, um. The queen sort of tried to kill me and I ran away to live with them. We kind of survive on stealing. . . ." I tried to sound as nonchalant as I could.

"The queen. She did this to us. Well get her back for it." I nodded. Beside me, Zayn took my hand in his. My father raised his eyebrows at us. "I'm assuming you two are together?"

"Yes sir. Don't worry. I love your son and I would never do anything to hurt him," he smiled at me. Then mumbled, "even if he's hurt me already, repeatedly."

   I playfully smacked his arm. "Yeah, sorry about that."

"So what now?" Loius asked.

"Now, my father will rightfully take his place on the throne," I said proudly and joyfully.

   He grinned. "I think I have something else in mind."

   We returned back to the castle to find the Queen has run away. Probably hiding. Zayn and my other bandit friends were given rooms inside and are welcome for the rest of their lives. They no longer have to live in hiding.

   Zayn and I began planning our wedding as soon as we could. We are inviting everyone in the kingdom. It's going to be amazing, I finally get to marry the man I love. My father, fortunately, approved of our relationship. And since he was getting old, he stepped down. So now, I am the queen and Zayn the king. The coronation occurred as soon as we got back. The whole kingdom rejoiced because of the return of the king, the disappearance of the queen and the new successors to the throne.

   It kind of feels nice being back. I get back the pampering and nice clothes, all the royalty perks. I don't love it, but it is pretty nice to have someone do everything for you. I've spent four years having to steal money and food and clothes, but now I have more than I can handle.

   It has been a week and the queen still hasn't shown up. Not that I'm complaining. Zayn and I have been busy lately with our wedding plans.

   It was in the middle of the night and I couldn't go to sleep. Even with Zayn's company, a few dreams would slip in every once in a while. This time it was the dream when I was thrown out of the castle. Except it was a little different.

   In the dream my captor had already let me go and I was running through the woods. Except this time, instead of just the hot summer heat, fire was blazing everywhere. Everywhere I turned there was a wall of fire incasing me. I coughed and hacked from the smoke. I desperately searched for a way out, but I couldn't see any openings.

   I remembered that I had found the cabin by following the smoke. But there was smoke everywhere here. I had no idea how to find them through it all. So I yelled over and over again for someone to help me. Who am I kidding, no one is going to help me. No one could help me. I was on my own.

   It's just a dream. It's just a dream, I repeated in my head. If it's just a dream, then why does it feel so real? I'll wake up. Maybe if I go through the fire, it won't hurt me and I can find the cabin.

   I decided to go west. I stopped in front of the fire wall, heat blasted into my face. One, two, three. I took a step forward and immediately was burned from the flames. It felt like walking into, well, fire. So I was wrong, you can feel pain in dreams. I inspected my arms, they were a dangerous red. My suit was burned, ripped and covered in ash.

   The fire was closing in quick. There was nothing else to do. I sat on the floor and awaited the fire. I curled into a ball and clutched my burning body.

"Niall!" someone yelled. I knew I had to be imagining it. There was no one for miles around to help me. It was only a few inches away. I couldn't move.

   The fire finally swallowed me.

   I opened my eyes. Zayn was hovering over me and shaking my shoulder. I was curled into a ball like I had been in the dream. "Zayn?" I whispered.

   He wrapped me in his arms. I cried. "Shhh. It's okay."

   Weak, something whispered in the back of my mind. It was right. It was just a dream, stop letting it get to you. I pulled back and wiped my eyes. "Sorry for waking you."

"It's fine. You kept tossing and turning and mumbling for help," he looked at me with pity.

"Forget it," I snapped. He seemed surprised at my harshness. "It was just a dream." I laid back on the bed and let out a huge breath. After a few minutes, Zayn fell back asleep. I was wide awake.

   I got up to go to the library. A place I have been avoiding ever since we got here. It brought back too many memories. My father and I would sometimes come into here to read. He would read to me on the couch and we would both end up falling asleep.

   I scanned and ran my fingers over the books. We didn't have many books back in the woods. There, right were it has always been is The Tale of Two Cities.

   When ever I read it, I always started by reading the letter in the front of the book. It was a love letter to someone named Tessa. It was faded so I couldn't tell who it was from. But I could tell that who ever they are loved each other very much.

   I looked towards the back corner of the library. The queen had always forbid me from going over there. But she's not here to stop me now. I looked at the books, looking to see if there was anything worth hiding. I came across one called The Codex. It was on the third shelf from the top, towards the end of the row.

   I pulled on it. The book didn't come out. I watched in wonder as the wall slipped away to reveal a dark staircase. So this is what she was hiding.

   Out of curiosity, I began the descent.


Small cliffhanger. :-)

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