Chapter Eight- Deaths, Fights and Love

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      { Third Person's POV }

   Zayn had just found the dead son of Perrie, and he was about to join him.

   Niall had to look away from Zayn. Even though he has done nothing for us, Niall couldn't help but feel bad that they were about to end his life. But he now knows Niall's real name.

   They couldn't let him go spread it around that Niall was alive. Then again, he felt something towards him that he's never felt before. It was really confusing him. Even though Zayn's a jerk that works for the queen, he's also very handsome and-

"Wait," Louis said. Zayn felt a wave of relief wash over him. Someone was standing up for him. He was wrong. "No man should go out without a fight. There's no honor in a death like that. I say let him fight to his death." At least he might have a chance of escape.

"Ooh! I nominate myself to do it!" Calum yelled excitedly. He wanted to get revenge at this cocky royal.

"You?" Zayn asked. Zayn thought it was ridiculous that a boy thought he could beat him. Well, Niall beat me and he's the most innocent thing I ever saw, Zayn thought.

"Yes, me," Calum mocked. "Why? Scared?"

   In truth, Zayn was scared. But, of course, he would never admit it. Ashton stepped in and untied him, holding his hands behind his back a little to hard. He led him outside, to fight Calum.

               { Niall's POV }

   I was feeling more and more guilty as Ashton led Zayn outside. I bit at my lip. Even more guilty as Calum pulled out his dagger. More guilty when all Zayn had was his hands. Knowing Calum, I knew that he could take him out by a flick of the wrist. Impaling him in the heart.

   Even more guilty as Calum slowly walked up to Zayn with a wicked grin.

   Guilty when Calum raised his dagger and Zayn prepared for the end.

   Before I knew what I was doing, I was suddenly there, sword pointed at Calum. Blocking him from further death. "Stop," my voice shaking.

   He looked shocked. I was too. I had no reason to defend this man. "Run," my voice came out as a whisper. I was breathing hard. Zayn gathered his senses and ran.

"What the hell Niall?!" Harry yelled. No one was able to come out of their shock in time to chase after him.

"Don't you see," Louis whispered so quietly that I almost didn't hear him, eyes gleaming. "He loves him."

   Somehow, the shock multiplied by a hundred. If that was even possible. The silence was very intense as everyone stared at me. The only thing heard was the wind and my heart beating in my chest. I shook my head, I couldn't love him! It just wasn't possible. Was it?

   Breaking the stillness, I stormed inside.

   I locked myself in my room and tried to sleep. But sleep never came. No one bothered. But Louis's voice still rang in my head. Don't you see. He loves him.

   I decided to do what calms me down the best, music. After grabbing my note pad and pencils, I headed outside to draw in the cool summer air. A butterfly landed on my finger. I giggled as it flew off.

   Leaning against a tree, I closed my eyes and let my hands do the work. I never know what I'm going to write, while I'm writing my hands seem to take over.

"Do you?" A voice came out of no where. I turn into instinct mode and set my dagger at the speakers throat.

"Sophia?" I said. "I was about to cut your head off!"

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