Chapter Four- A Royal Ball

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                { Niall's POV }

   "There is to be a royal ball for the arrival of Prince Zayn Malik on September Twenty- seventh," Sophia said, reading from the newspaper she bought in the village earlier. "Everyone shall wear a mask. Gifts are appreciated."

"So... what does this have to do with us?" Calum asked sounding bored. I, however, was interested. When I heard a familiar name my head snapped up. All seven of us were sitting around the living room.

"Well..." Sophia started. "This is the perfect opportunity to test what we can really do. Everyone will be wearing masks so they won't recognize us. And there will be stacks of presents to take for ourselves."

"I don't know... it sounds dangerous. I mean, of course I would want all those gifts as much as the next thief, but I don't think we should do it," Harry inquired.

"Yeah! What if we get caught?" Louis said, backing him up. I found that strange since they usually argued with each other.

   While everyone argued on the topic, I stayed quiet and stared at the floor, counting the nails in the ground. The group got quiet. I looked up to find everyone's eyes on me. I bit my lip. I knew they were all remembering that the woman that wanted me dead was throwing that party.

"What do you think Niall?" Luke asked slowly.

   I sighed. "Well it definitely is a good idea, but I don't know if I'm ready." Everyone looked at me with pity and sympathy, I got slightly annoyed. "Look I don't need to be pitied. If you guys want to do this..." another sigh. I'm probably going to seriously regret this. "I'll do it."

   Everyone grinned from ear to ear. It felt nice, so I smirked back.

"Were going to need a plan. A plan no one has seen before."

   I am not  going to let that woman stop me from doing anything I want to do.

   [ Night of September Twenty-seventh ]

"Ready?" Sophia asked me. I nodded a yes. She dressed me in a pure black suit. Long sleeved undershirt and had a slight V neck. Soft silk flared out a little at the bottom of the jacket, but wasn't poofy, because I need to be able to move quickly.

   We walked out of our shared room to see everyone else. The boys jaw dropped when seeing us. I blushed and look down.

   Louis became glassy eyed. "You two look so beautiful!"

"Thanks Louis! Now shall we get a move on?"

   We walked for about a mile until we reached the palace. We began our plan.

   The big dance was about to start, everyone was finding their positions. I found him. His back was facing me so he couldn't see me. I placed my black and gold mask on my face.

   The music started and he turned around to find his dancing partner. Me.

   A look of shock came over his face. "Niall?"

   I smirked. "Zayn. How did you know it was me?" I asked, even though it was obvious with the bright dyed blonde hair, not having been able to redye it, and all.

"What are you doing here?" He asked still shocked and not answering the question.

"What? A boy can't come to a party? I came to see all the gifts," I said in a sweet and innocent voice. Secretly hoping he would pick up on my double entendre.

   I'm sure he picked up the falseness in my tone because he said, "Tell me why you're really here."

   The smile still played on my lips. Zayn seemed unnerved. "I told you it was the gifts."

   At that precise moment all of the lights went off and it was pitch black. There were many screams coming from the darkness. We planned this perfectly. Down to the second, so I knew what happened next. I starting counting the seconds. 

           One... Two... Three...

   In the center of the dance floor, a small flame appeared to distract the party goers.

                Seven... Eight... 

   It started to spread rapidly. People shrieked and ran to put it out before it could do any damage. 

            Sixteen... Seventeen... 

   While they were distracted I found my way to the present pile and stuffed as many as I could into a bag. I knew the others were doing the same from different sides.

        Thirty one... Thirty two... 

   I heard people tripping and yelling in the darkness. I waited for the signal from Calum. That meant he was going to turn the lights back on and to get out. His talent was climbing, so we figured he would be the best to climb up to the chandelier to douse and light the candles.

      Thirty eight... Thirty nine... Forty... 

   I heard it. A low pitch single whistle, that only trained ears could hear over the noise. Ten seconds to find my way outside.

        Forty two... Forty three... 

   I saw a silver flash from the corner of my eye. Luke had found the exit. I ran towards the signal and slipped through the doors. 

                   Forty nine...

   Right before the door closed behind me, I felt the light flash back on.


  Calum would meet us in the woods when he got out. Everyone's bag was full of gifts and I couldn't help but grin.

"It like Christmas came early!"

                { Zayn's POV }

   The lights came on and everyone sighed in relief. I looked up towards the ceiling to see who had casued this, but they were gone.

   I knew Niall had something to do with this. No wonder he was acting all suspicious. But he did look beautiful and mysterious with his black dress and gold mask.

   I turned to see the table of presents... empty. Everyone gasped at seeing what I was seeing. 

  Why does this not surprise me?

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