Chapter Five

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               { Niall's POV }

"So I saw you dancing... well not really. I saw you with that incredible jawline, " Harry said the next day. Harry and I were lounging in my room. "What was that about?"

"Oh he's the same guy that I mugged a few days ago," I said in a lazy voice. But in reality, I couldn't get him out of my mind. He looked very handsome in his suit last night. But of course, I didn't let my other emotions show. And replaced them with cockiness that every bandit needs.

   He seemed unconvinced. "Whatever you say."

   Louis poked his head through my door. "Hey Niallier! Can I talk to you?

"Sure, Lou." I looked towards Harry, he looked annoyed. What is going on between these two lately? "I'll be right back."

   Louis led me outside and sat under a tree. "What's up?"

   He scratched the back of his neck. "I need some... advice."

"About what?"

"How do you know if someone likes you?" I almost burst out laughing, so I covered my mouth to stop the outburst.

"Hey! Its not funny," he pouted.

   I rested my head on his shoulder. "Sorry. Sorry. So who's this girrrlll?" I said pronouncing the last word slowly.

"Or boy, it's Harry."

"Harry? Seriously?" Didn't see that one...

"Yeah, I didn't think he would like me either." He started to get up. "Sorry for bugging you."

"Wait! Louis!" I went after him. "I didn't mean it like that. I just never thought you two would be thing."

   He looked hesitant. "So how do I know if he likes me back?"

"Well you just got to look for the little things. Like if he fiddles with things while he's talking to you. Or if he does the thing you do when you rock back and forth on your heels," I went on listing the things I think someone does when they like someone. "I think he likes you. When you asked to talk to me he seemed jealous."

"Really? Thanks for the advice Niall." He gave me a tight hug, wrapped his arm around my waist and brought me inside.

"Want a drink?"

"Yeah got any juice?"

   He searched the pantry. "Yeah uh no."

   I sighed. "I'll go into the village and get some."

   I was walking back to the cottage- juice safely in my hands- when a boy asked if I wanted to buy a newspaper. Why not? I paid him and gasped at the headline.


   I scanned the article underneath. "Yesterday the party for the arrival of Prince Zayn Malik, was thrown into chaos when bandits stole all of the princes gifts. Many witnesses are calling them the 'midnight bandits' because they shut off all the lights in the ball room in order to steal everything. No one saw who was responsible for this. Except for the prince."

   My breath caught. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

"'The boy that was dancing with me did it. I'm sure of it. He's the same one that mugged me in the woods. I recognize the blue eyes and his dyed blonde hair any where. His name is Niall Horan,' Zayn told us. No one recognizes the name, but I'm sure they will be caught and punished."

   I was breathing heavily now. No one knew of us for this whole time. And I messed it all up. I kept walking. I noticed a royal proclamation pinned onto the wall. It stated that the taxes the people pay are now doubled.

   I shook my head, this day is full of wrongs. I slammed the newspaper on the table. Everyone's eyes widened.

"I can't believe it!" Ashton said angrily. He stared me down. "I can't believe you blew our cover!"

   I shrunk back against the wall. "It's not his fault!" Calum yelled, he was always one who would look out for me.

"He should never have said his name!" He yelled at no one in particular. "Now were all in danger of them finding us!"

   Luke put an arm across Ashton chest. "He didn't mean it."

"I didn't. Of course I didn't," my voice came out like a whisper. "I'm sorry."

   I ran out the front door, my eyes brimming with tears. I climbed up a tree to get away. That's when I let the tears come.


   I jumped. It was Calum. "Calum! You scared me!"

"Sorry. Everyone thinks it's your fault, but I know you didn't mean it."

   I sniffed. "Thanks Cal. That's only partially why I'm upset. Did you hear what the queen did?" He shook his head. "She doubled the taxes! Those poor people. They are starving and the queen is making them give up more of their money."

"That's terrible. I know you always have a soft spot for those in need."

   An idea popped into my mind. I stood up abruptly. "Tonight, darling, we are going to right a lot of wrongs. And we are going to wrong some rights. The first shall be last; the last shall be first."

   Calum smirked at me. I told him my plan.

"No wonder you always think of the plans. It's perfect," he whispered.

   It was decided that I will go in and distract the others while Calum goes looking for what we need.

"Look guys," a said to the lot of them. "The taxes in the village were doubled and we need to do something about it."

"Like what? Why should we help them?" Ashton said with some venom in his voice.

"Haven't you heard of 'giving to the less fortunate'? Because that's exactly what Calum and I are going to do," I smiled.

"Sounds like a splendid idea," Sophia commented.

   Ashton got even more furious-if that was even possible, "No way! Whatever your planning-"

   But I was already heading for the door. I hope Calum had enough time to grab the bag of gold we stole from the queen's tax collector. We were planning on returning the gold to the villagers. They need it more than we do. It was wrong that we took the gold we've been collecting for so long, but its for a good cause. Right and wrongs shall be changed today.

   With masks on we disappeared into the darkness. Jumping from tree to tree, we made our way back to the people.

   The center was deserted. We attached a note to the bag and left it on the front steps of the post office-since it was right in the middle of town.

   Thought you might want this back -The Midnight Bandits

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