Question His Words

Start from the beginning

Chan flinches, quickly looks away, "You're... more normal than I thought."

Still on that, I see.

He knows it's going to be hard to open Chan's eyes, he's been brain-washed for more than twenty years, a few days aren't going to change anything.

But they can still show everything his boyfriend said wrong about.

"I am," He replies, rubbing the cream on his face, "I can't force you to believe me, but we're not murderers," he quickly adds when he feels Chan ready to retort, "if I were, I would've killed my boyfriends the moment I've met them."

Chan doesn't say anything. Jeongin takes that as a win.

"Don't believe me then," he looks at him directly, "what do you want to eat ?"

Chan blinks, startled by the change of topic, "I don't know ?"

Jeongin goes to the door, "Wear something comfortable, I'm taking you out this morning."

"What ?! I don't wanna die-"

"When you were in Minho and Seungmin's bodies, you've been out, didn't you see kids outside ?" He cuts him, tilting his head a bit.

Chan parts his lips, then closes them, "I... I did. But that doesn't mean anything."

Jeongin smiles, "It does, and you know it," he leaves, hoping the first hit with reality will make him start to doubt what he knows.

"You ready ?" He asks, finishing wearing his shoes and taking his small bag. He looks back at Chan, who is actually ready but still hesitant. "What's wrong ?"

"Why do you even want to go out ?" Chan asks warily. He's scared of stepping outside, which is understandable. Everytime he went out, it kind of went badly, though they don't know what exactly he did when he was in Minho's body.

"To show you what the outside world actually looks like, and also because I'm pretty hungry," he grins, "we're going to a café," then he muses, "do you prefer dogs or cats ?"

Chan blinks, looking at the shoes Jeongin moved in front of him, "Uh, dog ?"

Jeongin nods, "Then a dog café it is !"


Jisung hums at Felix's notes.

So they managed to go out in the garden, uh ?

He doesn't think the kidnapper will let him go out again then, which means he can either ask questions when he comes back or finds the phone. Or both.

But after everything Seungmin told him and Minho messaged him, it's difficult to think of a place where they didn't look.

He shrugs. It's not like he has anything else to do.


Jeongin isn't surprised to find Chan tense in the bus.

People push, are in a rush, upset or loud, too close into your personal space.

It's also the first time Chan is in the middle of a crowd of people, wide eyes looking around and glancing at Jeongin too many times.

Jeongin snorts and gives him an earphone, placing it into his ear and startling him. He blinks excessively, completely tensed when Jeongin turns on the music and his shoulders relax, though he looks perplexed.

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