Question His Words

396 22 10

Trigger Warnings : mentions of cheating, crying.

Jeongin isn't surprised that Chan doesn't believe them.

He's stubbornly refusing to even assess it and it's nearing one in the morning.

They kept showing their arms, proving they're dating some of the others and it's still a start because some of his confidence morphs into hesitation.

Other than his utter refusal at believing them, he's been more docile than before. He even ate what they cooked, stayed still and didn't even try to escape.

Everything had gone fine and now that Chan had gone to sleep after a shower, they all decided to talk about the situation.

Changbin had received the identikit of the boyfriend and Jeongin had been surprised to see he looked more normal than what he thought. The police station was busy trying to recognize him with their database, but so far, they didn't have any luck.

Other than that, Changbin couldn't track the phone with his team, it seemed Chan had never turned on the GPS or the location and the phone was also currently turned off. He had tried to call it without any success.

They've also talked about Chan's family, Changbin had found them back and both parents were alive and healthy and had a young son and an older daughter. They hadn't contacted them yet, but he was hoping to call them when Chan would be by their side.

Jisung was supposedly the next to swap and Seungmin had made sure to explain what he did, the notes, the drawing of Chan's room Minho did and his mission. The phone stayed a priority, but they should also look for another way out, maybe use the weight they found to break the hook ?

They've talked about who would do it and Changbin had been adamant he would, hoping to avoid Jeongin swapping with Chan in those conditions.

Jeongin wasn't really happy about it, but he'll be the last one to pass, which means he can try whatever he wants to escape.

And he might accidently beat up the bastard.

With these words, they've all decided to go to sleep, with Jisung making sure to relax them all with a few jokes.

Jeongin is the first one to wake up. He's always been an early bird. He likes the quietness of the morning and the cozy feeling wrapping the house in the early hours of the day. He quietly makes his way to the bathroom to pause when he finds Jisung already there.

Well, Chan actually.

"You're up early," He whispers softly, not wanting to break the morning silence.

Chan glances at him warily, "Yeah."

Jeongin looks at the mess of toothbrushes before giving a black one to Chan, "It's Jisung's," he takes his own, wetting it under the ray of water before pouring a good amount of toothpaste on it.

He starts brushing his teeth as he hands the toothpaste to the older who's hesitant at taking it.

Chan doesn't thank him, still looks worried.

Jeongin simply nods as a welcome and focuses on himself, not wanting to pressure Chan. He can see him in the mirror doing exactly like him before brushing his teeth too, while he spits into the sink.

It's quiet as Jeongin finishes and starts washing his face to use the different products for his skin.

When Chan's gaze starts to be more burning, does he ask, "Something's wrong ?"

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