A Good Ol' Reasoning And Felix's Not Foolproof Plan

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Trigger Warnings : hospitalization, injuries, attempted self-harm and threat of suicide, arguments, mentions of loneliness.

Felix closes the diary with a soft hum.

They've read everything in it and they'll try to listen to Seungmin's plea at not making a scene.

Chan is a docile and obedient man with his boyfriend. He's not someone to ask questions even if he's lost on something or find it weird. He does his homework everyday too and his food is always prepared by his boyfriend.

Boyfriend that looks smarter than they thought. And according to Seungmin, might love Chan.

Felix wonders what exactly made the man kidnap Chan and how this latter had felt about it the first time he woke up here.

They exhale a long breath before nodding at himself. They're going to find the phone, they have to.

Minho and Seungmin didn't manage to find it and even explained where they looked through, giving Felix more time to look meticulously where they didn't.

They're still worried about the whole situation, about what Chan can try in his body but they trust his boyfriends and friends to stop him if he tries anything too drastic.


Seungmin wakes up with a groan.

His head is pounding and his muscles aches painfully when he shifts in the bed.

"Up Seungminie."

The familiar voice snaps him out of his blurred mind and he looks on his left to see Minho sitting on his bed with a typical bored expression, "They didn't miss you at all," he adds with a teasing tone.

And Seungmin feels like years had passed before he could hear his voice again.

"Minho hyung—" he calls and sits quickly, but he hisses at the pain erupting on his skin, looking down with a frown.

Why is he in a hospital bed ? What exactly happened ?

Minho huffs a snort, pretty, so pretty, "Your body got beat up by some random assholes," he sighs, "and don't move too fast you'll hurt yourself more—"

"How do you feel ?" He asks out of the blue, still too worried after seeing his pale face, looking barely alive.

Minho smirks, then laughs, eyes glinting knowingly, "I'm fine, eager boy, no more dizzy."

Seungmin puckers his lips and his cheek hurts now, "Good," he trails and a heavy weight lifts off his shoulders. "You scared us."

Minho's smile turns empathetic, "I know," he answers, and they both know Chan was the one going through it in his body, but it doesn't stop the fear of losing someone they love. Minho gets down the bed, blood holder rolling next to him. He sits on Seungmin's bed, "come here Kim Seungmin."

Seungmin can't help the snort leaving his lips, but it's pretty rare for the older to initiate a hug, so he's going to take on the opportunity. He hugs him, buries his face on his shoulder and takes a deep breath.

He's safe.

He closes his eyes and fights the emotion trying to swell in his eyes. They don't have time to cry and long for each other's touch, they need to earn Chan's trust to find him back.

"Did the bastard do something to you ?" Minho whispers in his ear, something cold and incredibly calm at the same time.

Seungmin feels so safe here.

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