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"Ooting! Ooting!" "Its called outing Anya" The family is currently outside to have family activities because loid thought it would be good for the interview. Ayumi was the  only one who answered the questions appealing so he tought it could help them.

"Want to hold hands HaHa?" "Of course Anya-san!" This made ayumi smile 'She is so cute! She reminds me of my little brother'
Anya smiles too 'Oh I also hugged him sometime to hard a broke two of his ribs. I have to be carefull!' This made the sisters shocked, Anya ran away from Yor and the older girl grabbed the spy hand as protection. Leaving a confused father and a depressed mother.


The first stop was an opera where both Anya and Yor started to snooze of while Loid fonded it interesting. And Ayumi? Well, she looked at the outfits of everyone in the room as inspiration.


The next stop was an art museum. How was this going, you may ask?


"Papa! She is naked! Head cutted off! Body cutted off!" Loid sighed and looked at his 'wife' who was currently admiring an artwork of a guillotine while blushing. When he looked at his oldest daughter who was admiring fashion and nature paintings. The spy sighed in relief, atleast one is behaving normal. "I want to go there!" The blonde man looked down at Anya and nodded. Anya took happily her sisters hand and ran to the drawing area.

While Anya was babbling about her drawing, sat the older girl next to her and started her own drawing. When their parents came to the sisters ignored Ayumi their speaking and continued her drawing. "Ayumi what did you draw?" The said girl looked at the spy who was expecting a sketch of a new design and showed her family her drawing which left them stunned. It was a sketch of them four on a beautiful landscape. It was obvious not finished yet but still stunning for her family members. "I'm not finished yet and the coloring is missing too but I hope you guys like it." "Wow! Umi-nee it's sooooooo coooool but Anya is the best looking for sure!" This made her laugh a little. "Its very beautiful Ayumi!" "Arigato Ka-san" "It's indeed very good Ayumi. When you will finish the painting at home, we could hang it on the wall." Loid said while petting her head. This made ayumi blush and nod.

"Anya wants a head pet too!"


The Forgers were now on a crowded place with a man screaming, the two sister felt dizzy tough the different and bad thoughts of other people. "Anya don't like crowded places" this made loid realize that this places was not the best for them. "Okay let's go"  He carried the youngest and yor guided the oldest daughter.

"Anya is hungry!"

"Didn't you just said you felt off?!"


The family was in a restaurant and well let's say Loid wanted really to give up. Anya is just eating the nuts with her hands and Yor is admiring the knife while Ayumi is just eating her ramen with a flowering aura.

"Don't worry ChiChi", "Huh?"

"Loid-san maybe we should go out for fresh air"


And here they are admiring the outlook. Loid is holding his daughters at their waist as secure as they both were sitting on the railing. "The people are looking like trash"


"Ow Umi-nee! " "Don't say that brat." "Ayumi don't hit your sister! Anya where did you learn that?" "Anime" The spy just sigh tiredly while the assassin giggled. Ayumi had a small smile on her face but it vanished when she saw an old lady getting robbed, what her father also saw. "Tou-san, Ka-san! The lady was robbed!" As the spy wanted to say something, the assassin jumped down where the crime happened. "Yor!" Suddenly Ayumi jumped also down and started to search the thief. When she finally found him Loid jumped at the thief and arrested him. "Are you okay Ayumi?" He asked his daughter, she just nodded. The spy also nodded and returned the purse to the old lady who Ayumi forgot about.

"Thank you very much!" "Oh I actually didn't do anything my eh.. my husband did all the work" "Thank you young man!" 'I think being praised isn't that bad'  "It wasn't really a problem ma'am but yor without you we couldn't have find the thief and you too Ayumi, thank you." "No problem Tou-san"

"Arigato Loid-san"

"ChiChi and HaHa are flirting"

"They are gonna kiss now -3-"

"No we are not!!!!"

"What a wonderful family you are"


Ayumi is currently in her bed and is thinking about what happened today. Yeah today was really interesting. When her 'family' arrived at home they practiced the interview again and it was okay to say atleast. She smiled to herself 'Maybe a family isn't that bad'

Hello cookies!!!

Sorry for the late update I had stress with school but I hope you enjoyed  it!



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