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I watched as Ming went off. I cannot deny that his anger is justified. His disappointment and anger and frustration.

But I was also desperately hoping he hear me out. And I wish he could find it in him not to hate me because of this. From not wanting to love, I found myself loving the most unlikeliest person and now we were being swept up by an unexpected wave of troubles.

I sighed softly and prepared to go back to the dorm. I got to my dorm and saw Ming coming back. He had a bottle of beer in his hands. I watched quietly as he drank from it and disappeared into his room.

About 2 hours later, I stepped out to buy food and I saw him coming back with a case of beer. OK what the fuck. How many has he had already? I looked closely at him and realised he was staggering drunkenly.


He just looked at me stonily. Bleary eyed.

"How much have you drank?! Stop drinking please."

He just waved off my words and wanted to go into his room. I pulled him back and grabbed the beer case from him. He got so angry at me that he punched me squarely in my face. I let it slide as I knew he was just angry with me. He tried to grab the case from me and I pulled away, the entire case of bottles dropping onto the floor and breaking. Ming got angry and stomped his foot and some of the broken glass pieces flew. In the ensusing chaos, to ensure it didn't hit him, I ran forward to grab him and shielded him, the pieces cut me instead. My hands and elbows had cuts. I winced but kept quiet. Ming saw what happened and was horrified. He calmed down and looked at me stunned. I just got him to open his door and pushed him inside. I turned around to see the mess and sighed. I quickly called the janitor and we got it cleared before the security saw and I got into bigger trouble.

I cleaned the mess up with the janitor, gave him a few baht for his trouble and I turned to look at Ming's room. I wanted to knock on his door and make sure he was ok but I held myself back.

I turned and went into my own room. I was studying my face, the darkening bruise on my lower left cheek and my hands when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to find Ming standing there, hair wet but looking more fresh faced and put together. He must have taken a shower.

He stood there hesitantly looking at me. I stepped aside to let him come in. I was abit heartened to see that he didn't go off drinking more and had bothered to clean up.

"Your hands.. are they OK?"

I nodded yes, just hiding them behind my back. He came forward and pulled it to the front, seeing the numerous tiny cuts. His face changed and I instantly caressed his face, soothing him that it was all OK and i barely felt any pain. It was an instant reflex. Ming looked at me in pain. My own face crumpled and my eyes glimmered. He took a deep breath and steered me towards the couch. He sat me down and dressed my wounds. He also gingerly dabbed some cream on my bruise on my cheek. I winced in pain when that happened as it was motherfucking painful. Ming had thrown quite a punch. He sobbed silently as he cleaned my wound for me.

I watched as his tears dropped. I couldn't take it and I stopped him from cleaning my wounds further.

"Stop. Please come to me."

I opened my arms for him. Ming cried and dove into my arms. I held onto him, my own tears dropping. We stayed like that for a while till my phone rang. We pulled away and looked at each other stunned as we realized the caller was my mom.

Ming just watched silently as I answered the phone.

"Yes Mae?"

"I told you I wasn't coming back till you tell me you are ready to let Ming know the truth."

"It doesn't matter. What matters is he knows the truth. He can decide if he wants to forgive you or not. Charge a case or not. I'm going to be here for you all the way. But I need you to be honest with him especially now we know who the person is. Plus he is someone I love Mae. Can you please.."

"No. I'm not coming back."

I hung up the phone. Ming looked at me. I just leaned back, closing my eyes in frustration, my tears just rolling down involuntarily. Then I felt Ming's head against me. I opened my eyes to see him leaning on me. I held onto him tightly and kissed the top of his forehead.

"I miss you Lam. I really do so much. Its driving me mad, being away from you. But at the same time.."

I kept quiet. I understood and realized his agony. I couldn't pretend like he will be ok with it for me.

"But being away from you is even more painful. I'm sorry for punching you. I'm sorry for avoiding you. I'm sorry for being away from you. I don't know what is going to happen but I want to continue to be around you. And with you."

I looked at Ming stunned. He sat up slowly, his back facing me as he looked forward. I sat up straighter and leaned onto him, hugging him from the back.


"Let's be together. I'm sorry for even thinking I can be away from you. I love you. I know you do too. Your mom.. that's another story. I can't fault you for that and seeing how you spoke to her, I know you only want the right thing to be done. I know my mom would have smacked me if she realised i had dumped you over this. And when her reaction came into my head, I knew I had messed up. I'm sorry na."

Ming spoke of it slowly, hesitantly and sobbed softly as he did. I held onto him tightly the entire time. He finally turned to face me. I wiped away his tears and gently kissed him on his lips to soothe him. He hugged me back in response.

We stayed like that for a bit until I heard some persistent knocking on the door. I just pulled away from him reluctantly and glared at the door. Ming laughed at my response and pulled me up to open the door. He held onto my hand as I opened the door. I saw Forth and Park standing there smiling and then I rolled my eyes.

Then I did the next best move. I closed the door on them!

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