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I woke up around 8am, finding a fever patch on my head, a blanket on me and Lam sleeping next to me, his arm slung carelessly over me. I didn't move much when I realized his arms on me. I just looked at him sleeping and it struck me that this guy had just spent the last 2.5 days looking after me.

I always missed my mom badly when I am sick and I would mope and mope but I realized Lam eased that discomfort the last few days. Flooded by my thoughts, I didn't realize that Lam had woken up.

"How do you feel now?"

"Better P, to be honest. Much better."

"Really? That's good. Don't feel like you took a roller coaster?"

I chuckled and shook my head no. Hearing my chuckle, Lam went "That's the first laugh I heard all weekend. Thats good. So I know you are definitely better."

I grinned and sat up slowly. Just then Lam smacked me on my head albeit gently.

"P! What was that for?!"

"You tell me Nong! Your fever rose up and you didnt even call me last night. You whimpered and suffered in pain. I told you I didn't want to go drinking. You sent me and yet you became sick! Why didn't you call me?! Will it kill you to?"

I stared at Lam dumbfounded for the longest period. Then I finally gathered my courage to utter, "but P Lam, I don't have your number. That's why I couldn't text or call you."

Lam watched me silently for a while. I wondered if what I said registered. He finally demanded for my phone. I handed it over and he saved his contact.

"Problem solved."

I just looked at Lam dumbfounded. I finally chuckled out loud, not able to help it. Lam glared at me and I nodded my head sheepishly.

"Sorry P for making you worried. I didn't mean to."

Lam just nodded his head and chased me to go shower whilst he offered to buy breakfast. I stopped him, saying I will cook today as I was much better and I really just wanted to do something too.

Lam agreed and he showered whilst I prepped the ingredients. I showered thereafter and also informed Posh I was still sick. I half expected Lam to get ready for class but he told me that he had skipped today to keep an eye on me.

Hearing that, my attention just flitted to him. I cast him glances periodically as I did breakfast for us. Once breakfast was over, I finally decided I should go back to my own dorm.

"P, I will go back to my room first yea?"

"Sure Nong. Anything text me ok? Be careful. Stay safe."

I nodded and left the room, albeit reluctantly. Having spent the last 2 days or so with him, going back to my own empty room felt odd but I didn't say anything as I had bothered Lam enough and I didn't want to do so.

I went back to my room and found myself in a loss over what to do. What the fuck.

Really Ming?! 2 days and suddenly you want to spend all day with another person? I face palmed inwardly and got out my books. Maybe I should study abit and also text Posh letting him know I am alive and well now.

About 2 hours later, my phone beeped and I noticed it was from Lam. He invited me for lunch, saying he had done the porridge I liked. I agreed and went off to get something for dessert before going over. About 40 minutes later, I found myself in front of his room, grinning away. But when he opened the door, I acted cool. He smiled at me and invited me in.

We had lunch and some dessert. I was plotting on how to stay over for longer when Park called him about some Sotus issues. Lam had to go and so I took my leave. Before he left, he reminded me to take my medicine. I agreed and went back to my room, cursing P Park in my heart silently for taking Lam away.

[Wtf is going on?! Stop playing up to the wifey role Ming!!]

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