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I walked away quietly to the balcony when Lam had that phone call with Park. I didn't want to interrupt the love birds plus I would probably roll my eyes.

"You ok Nong?"

"Yes P..." about 10 minutes later, I turned to see Lam at the balcony.

"Just thought you would like the privacy so decided to hang here out instead for a bit."

"Ah. Thats cool actually. Don't worry. Let's sleep k? It's late already.

I nodded. I offered to take the couch but Lam glared at me. He chased me to the bed whilst he settled himself on the couch. I looked down at him as he slept and I dozed off to that sight.

I woke up around 8am and Lam wasn't in the room. I sat up momentarily displaced for a while. I saw a note on the table and walked over.

"I had to leave earlier to meet Park. But there is breakfast here and a spare key. Just lock up before you leave ok? Take care."

I smiled at the breakfast and key part and stuck my tongue out at the Park part. I brushed my teeth, had a shower and breakfast before going back to my own dorm. I went off to meet my boys and had a good day out.

Lam did text me to check in but was silent thereafter. I guess he was having a long day. Around 7pm we made our way to Fido.

I was having a good time till I saw Park walk in with Forth. Lam wasn't with them but was it me or did they seem like they were on a date?!

Forth was holding Park's hand and he gently leaned in to kiss him. Park smiled and then held Forth's hand as they made their way to the booth. What the fuck?!

Why is Park holding onto his hand?! I thought he was  with Lam. I was so pissed that I did the unthinkable before my mind stopped me. I marched over to them.

"Hey Nong, you are here too? Join us?" I heard Forth ask. I glared at Park.

"Why are you here?"

"Huh? Why can't I be here?" I heard Park ask.

"You can come here. But why are you with Forth?! And holding hands?! And kissing. You are cheating on Lam and yet so cool about it. What the heck do you think you are......."

Forth stood up, blazing angry and punched me straight. Park jumped up and tried to hold him back. But guess which idiot decided to make it even more spectacular I chose to punch Forth back too.

Posh and Wai ran over, trying to stop me and I screamed at Park for being a cheating scumbag. Park was pissed but he just held onto Forth and made a call. When I heard his icy tone on the phone with his caller, I knew I had fucked up.

"Lam, come pick up your boyfriend who just punched mine and called me a cheating scumbag. I'm letting this slide for you but pick him up in the next 10 or he's dead."

I stared dumbfounded at Park. What did he mean by boyfriend? Did I? Was I wrong?

Forth was still pissed and wanted to lunge at me but I was dragged away and Park scolded him too. A few minutes later, I heard an too familiar voice.

"What the fuck did you just do?!"

I turned around and saw Lam glaring at me, eyes cold as fuck and his voice even more so.

"P.. I.. I thought..  cos that day.. I thought.. "

"You didn't think. You assumed. If you thought, you would have asked than jump into declaring my friends as cheats and ruining a perfectly good date. What the fuck is wrong with you Nong?!"

I kept quiet, completely chastised. I didn't know how to react. I... I didn't mean... fuck...

I looked up and saw Forth glaring at me, he was pissed as fuck. Park wasn't any calmer either. Lam went over to speak to them. Forth was agitated but Lam kept trying to calm him down.

Finally Lam came over.

"Stop making assumptions. Ask. You owe them a fucking apology. Do this again Nong and I swear you will get it from me. Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why did you even do that?! You don't even know me that well. Why the fuck did you think you can solve my battles for me even if there was?! Who do you think you are exactly to me?!?"

My eyes glimmered when I heard Lam screaming at me. I know I did wrong and he was angry but...

I kept quiet. I just took it in and held back my tears. He stomped away in anger back to the boys.

I tried to compose myself and went over to them.

"P's, I'm very very sorry for what I did. I genuinely should have asked instead of assuming and also not have done what I did to a senior. I apologise. If you feel the need to take it out on me, you can do so anytime, even during Sotus and I wouldn't say a single word of complaint. I had that coming. I'm sorry once again. I didn't mean to be rude. I just was..."

My words trailed off when my eyes flicked to Lam. I just waiied and left, shutting myself off from everyone for the remaining week.

Posh came by for sure but I didn't open the door. I just went for classes and came back. On Friday, I was coming back after classes and soccer practice around 10pm, when I bumped into Lam who was just heading out of his dorm. He saw me and stopped for a bit. I didn't want to make it awkward for him so I quickly went into my room. I shut the door and just slid down silently past it, sitting on the floor, terribly missing him.

Till My Heart ❤️  Settles (COMPLETED) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon