Eddie almost chokes on her mouthful, the brandy burning her throat more than it damn well should. “That is NOT what I was think –“

‘Oh, please.’ Venom chuckles, sounds utterly giddy as he tells her, ‘Don’t even need to imagine it, Eddie. Can feel your desires.’

Eddie lets out a defeated huff.

Venom lets go of the teasing for a moment, instead, purrs out his words in their mind again, a clear promise to her... and because he already knows she wants it – and fuck, he really wants it, too. ‘We will dance on the balcony, Eddie... and after that, I will take you from behind, while we watch the last of guests leaving...’

Eddie gulps down the rest of her second brandy. “I really fuckin’ hate you right now.” Because she knows he feels the desperate throbbing between her thighs. And thank fuck she’s already sitting down, because her knees already feel like jelly.

Venom bites down another chuckle, instead, tells her, ‘Can’t wait, either, Eddie. You always feel so good, my love. Look SO good in this dress – almost same colour as your pretty pink flesh. Can’t wait to tear it off of you tonight.’ He ends with a deep rumbling growl of approval.

Eddie somehow ignores his (sexy) husky and rather possessive tone, finds herself chuckling instead. “Yeah, sorry, babe, Anne strictly forbade me from ruinin’ this dress. She WILL murder us.”

Venom lets out a displeased scoff, then, with a serious tone, asks her, ‘Well, then, can we buy another pretty dress for me to tear it off of you instead?’

Eddie chuckles again. “I know you think I’m made of money now, but that’s not technically how it works, V.”

Venom scoffs again, mutters, ‘Can still afford it. Doesn’t have to be expensive, obviously. Gonna to tear it off of you anyway, remember? Ohhh! Can we buy a corset? Oh, imagine how your magnificent rack would look, Eddie.’

Eddie puffs out a chuckle, shakes her head as she starts on her third glass. “Do I look like a doll you can dress up? What is even happenin’ right now?” She chuckles again, shakes her head again, takes a sip again.

‘No... I just... I like to... admire what is mine...’ Venom scoffs when he feels her amusement, snootily snips out, ‘Like YOU don’t do the same to ME. That’s right, Eddie, I know all about how muscles aren’t really a kink for you, but for some weird reason big arm muscles still are.’

Eddie knows he’s trying to pull her in to share his embarrassment, but she only ends up scoffing and airing out, “Most of the guys at the gym with ridiculously perfect abs are usually always douchebags – you know; I have to keep you from eatin’ one of ‘em, at least twice every fortnight – and most of the guys with big arms I meet are usually real hard-workin’ guys, who don’t even go to a gym. And meh, you’re right. I don’t know WHAT it is about muscly arms... like, even women with slightly muscly arms turns me on. Maybe it’s ‘cause they’re the type of people who DON’T skip out on leg day. Gimme a soft or a round belly with strong limbs over all that other bullshit ANY day of the week.”

‘I wouldn’t mind finding a woman to have a threesome with... or even just watching you would be VERY–ahem.’ Venom starts out thinking out loud, gets quickly lost in his thoughts, and also just as quickly forgets he’s NOT just thinking to himself. He grunts when he feels her amusement, feels her devilish little grin. ‘Shut up.’

Eddie chuckles, takes another sip before telling him, “Typical male. I knew I felt you curiously peeking out every time I bring up the lezbo porn.”

‘Males having sex with males is fine, too, I just...’

Eddie hears his hesitation, FEELS his misery. “Did I say somethin’ wrong, V?”

‘No, Eddie. Promise. Not you. Never you.’ Venom immediately tells her, needs her to know that, at least, lets her feel it through their bond for herself.

“OK.” Eddie clears her throat, places the glass down onto the table and gives him her full attention. “What’s wrong, love?”

‘It is not an appropriate conversation while you are celebrating your best friend’s wedding, Eddie. Don’t want to ruin your day. Don’t want Annie to be mad at us.’ Venom tells her, voice calm and composed, though, slightly more nervous as he quietly adds, ‘Don’t want to upset you, Eddie. And can’t change the past. Both know that.’

Eddie knows Venom is as good with words as she is, and whether or not that’s because he actually really did learn it all from her (which she highly doubts, he’s far too insightful for his own good sometimes), she KNOWS, just by what he’s telling her alone now, she KNOWS because they really are more alike than she knew.

‘Told you, Eddie, we are both broken... but still not beyond repair.’

“I’m sorry, V, baby...” Eddie croaks out – needs another drink now... or ten... or fifty.

Venom lets out those affectionate rumblings, both in their mind and quietly enough for only her to hear over the music, for her to FEEL his fondness of her, his love for her. I’m not sorry, Eddie. Everything that has ever happened to me, it has all led me here, to you.’

Their sweet – albeit rather morbid – moment is suddenly interrupted, and Eddie almost startles – having been lost in the moment with her other half – when hands are being placed on their shoulders.

“Hey, there, pretty girl. Good to see you again.”

Venom almost forgets not to deafen his love with his snarling. ‘Eddie! He’s touching us again! Get him off, or I will –‘

‘V, chill, you’re gonna gimme a headache, babe. Just lemme handle it.’ Eddie tells him as she – smoothly – twists herself out of his grabby hands, slowly rises from her seat to face him with the best smile she can muster up.

‘Fine... Prick.’

Eddie scoffs at him in their mind.

OBVIOUSLY not you... idiot.’

‘Do you wanna forget the balcony thing and just go home?’

‘NO!! I’m sorry! You’re not an idiot!’

Eddie bites back a smirk as she speaks to the drunken middle aged mess of a man (poor Dan.) “Enjoyin’ yourself?”

Excellent tone, Eddie. You almost sound like you give a shit, but in that normal small talk polite way.’ Venom chirps, sounds awfully proud... and awfully like he’s trying to kiss her ass. Venom scoffs at her smug thoughts, his own tone now low and threatening as he tells her, ‘Will do much more to that pretty apple shaped rump of yours than kiss it, Eddie...’

‘V, dealin’ with Mr. Slime Ball here. SO not the time.’

Venom huffs, but otherwise keeps quiet. For now.

Mr. Slime Ball grins back at her, in what, she’s sure, he thinks is probably a charming smile. “Definitely enjoying myself a lot more now. Watchya doing sitting all alone, baby girl?”

Eddie doesn’t know how she doesn’t visibly shiver outright in disgust.

Venom lets out low rumbling snarls in their mind, barely audible, even to her.

“How about we get another drink and go find ourselves a private balcony, huh? That dress looks fucking delicious on you, girl.”

Venom watches as Eddie smoothly slips out of the way when Mr. Slime Ball tries to lay his hands over her waist before calmly telling her, ‘I’m going to bite his head off, Eddie. I will give you 30 seconds to get away from him before that happens.’

WE Are (Veddie) [Venom&FemEddie]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz