"Hm? Ah, that." Yeonjun didn't seem to mind at all. Rather, he seemed quite happy.

Well, to Soobin, at least. He always seemed happy whenever they met for some reason.



The sound of heavy rain could be heard.

'Damn it. I forgot to bring an umbrella today.'

"Haaa..." Soobin sighed.

Really? Why did it have to rain today of all days? If Soobin hadn't gotten detention today then maybe he wouldn't have been caught up in the rain like this.

"I have an umbrella." Yeonjun, who was standing next to him said.

"You brought one?"

'What is this? A Kdrama episode? Are we going to walk home sharing an umbrella? This is so cliché.'

"That's good for you then?"


"What?" Soobin was confused.

"I lied. I actually didn't bring one."

"..." Soobin was really at a loss of words.

'Why did... never mind. I'm just not going to say anything.'

"I lied because I thought that you'd ask me to share it with you."

Soobin immediately feels the urge to kick this bastard's dick.



"What." Yeonjun makes a sound of a fake wince of pain after hearing the cold reply.

"Come here."


"Just do it." Soobin had a look of confusion on his face.

"Why should I—"

"Tsk. You're really bad at listening to others, you know that?" Yeonjun pulled the other close to him and drapes a jacket above his head.

"Here. It's not as good as an umbrella obviously, but you can go home with this."

"..." Soobin stood still, confused. "Isn't this your jacket?"


"Then why are you...."

"You wanna share it and walk home together?"

"Absolutely not!" Soobin grumbled, taking off the jacket that was covering the top is his head and shoves it back into Yeonjun's arms. "I don't feel good about leaving someone else here after they lent me their jacket."

"Oh?" Yeonjun feels the corner of his lips tugging up slowly. "Then share it with me."

"..." Soobin seemed to be in deep thought. ".... Do whatever you want." He says, waiting for Yeonjun to drape the jacket above both of their heads.

"Eh? Wait a minute." Yeonjun seemed shocked now. He really wasn't expecting this. "I was only joking. This jacket is too small for the both of us anyway. I don't want you to get sick."

"Then take it home yourself! Don't give it to me. It's yours." Soobin was too stubborn to accept it.

Yeonjun shook his head and yet again, drapes the jacket on top of the other's head.

"I'll call someone over to pick me up in a car, don't worry about it."

"..." Soobin stood still and pondered over it for a while before finally saying something. "Alright... You better not be lying."

Soobin was a very soft-hearted person. Even if he dislikes Yeonjun, he wouldn't feel good about taking someone else's jacket and leaving them like this. But, Yeonjun seemed to be serious so he chose to believe the other.

Soobin was about ready to leave until he felt his body being lightly pulled.  All of a sudden, he feels a warm breath tickling his left ear and the back of his neck.

"Have a safe walk." Yeonjun muttered softly, almost whispering.

"Whatever. Thanks." Soobin mumbles before quickly running away with the jacket protecting him from the rain.

Yeonjun watches all of this with a smile on his lips.

'He was blushing.' He thought, touching the corner of his lips.

This peaceful moment for him only lasted for a bit before he felt his phone vibrating, signalling that someone was calling him.


His smile quickly faded into a frown as he stared at the screen of his phone.

He really was debating on whether or not to answer, but decided to sigh and answer anyway. He would have to deal with a lot more if he didn't answer the call right now.

"What?" Was what he said as soon as the call connected. His once bright eyes had become dimmer.

"It's raining. Did you bring an umbrella?"

"Ung." Yeonjun hummed in response. It was obviously a lie.

"Ha...." The other person on the phone sighed as if they knew that he was lying. "Stop with your bullshit. Stay there. I'll send a driver for you."

"No. I'm okay."

"Do you think I want to do this too? If it were really up to me, I'd rather you stand out there in the rain. Father will be here soon so shut up and wait there."

"What? Father is coming?" Yeonjun's cold expression quickly turns into a shocked one.  "Isn't he supposed to be back next month?"

"Something happened. Ask him about it yourself. I don't want to hear your voice anymore.'

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The other side of the line had hung up.

Yeonjun shoves his phone to his pocket with a sigh, running his fingers through his blonde locks.

He suddenly feels like shit now.

"I should've just walked him home in the rain."


note -
yeonjun pov ?? gasp

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