"what the fuck is that?"

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"Good morning babygirl," said Dd, kissing my forehead. I groaned and turned my back to him. He shook me. "Stop," I whined, "you know I hate propel waking me up."

"Yeah, but it's past 9," he said. "Just stop talking for one hour, I'm tired," I said. "What you do to be tired?" he asked. "Somewhere you not going again," I said.

"Shut up," he said, "babe, get up, I miss you." "Dd I'm right here, just spoon me and let me sleep," I said. "I don't wanna spoon, I want your lazy ass to get up," he said.

"You want the bed to yourself?" I asked, before walking out the room. "Where you going?" he asked. I avoided his question and walked into Melz room.

"Good morning sleepy head, what's wrong?" I asked. "I wanna sleep but Dd still insist of me getting up knowing I'm exhausted," I said.

"Hushes babe, come sleep with me," she smiled. I lay right onto her bed.

"Ohh so you finna sleep in my sister's room, when I asked you to show me some love," Dd asked. "Can't I not sleep? I love you, but I'm tired for the love of god Dd," I said.

"Alright," he said, pushing me over making space on the bed for him. I wrapped my arms around him and falling asleep.


I finally got up but I realised Melz and Dd was not on the bed. I walked to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and took a shower, while washing my hair.

I got out, and walked into the room. "did you eat something Dd?" I asked. "No, Melz and Mom is out so I didn't eat anything," he said. "You need Mami and Melz to cook for you," I asked.

"Don't forget you too," he said. "So where's Jstar and Jay?" I asked. "You know they don't stay home," he said. "And you're smoking on a hungry stomach?" I asked. He nod.

"Dd," I shook my head, taking my hair out the towel, "can you wait until dry my hair?" "Sure babe," he said. I nod.

I took out my products and hairdryer.


It didn't took more than 20 minutes to blow dry my hair. I put it in a messy bun and walked to the kitchen.

I started to make Avocado toast, with eggs, bacons and cheese with coconut raspberry smoothie.

28 minutes later.

I brung his food to the table. "Dd, your breakfast is ready," I shouted. Ddot came through the door. "Good thing I made enough," I mumbled.

"What you say?" he asked. "Just sit," I said, walking to the kitchen, sharing his food.

"What's up my heart?" ask Dd. "I'm good bro, just lonely," Dd say. I chuckled, and walked to him. "There you go," he said.

"See like this, I want a girl who can give me breakfast lunch and dinner," Ddot said. "This is DD's lunch, he's lazy enough to cook for himself this morning," I rolled my eyes.

"But you should've get up and be a good girlfriend and cook for him," said Ddot. "Darrian, so you being sexist right now?" I asked.

"This shit is fucking good," said Dd. "Real shit," said Ddot. "Oh back to you, yeah, y'all should cook," he said.

"Why don't you two bitches, can't even fry an egg," I said. "What?! Y/N stop fucking around, who can't fry an egg?" Dd said, "until I finish this, Ddot and I'll show you how to cook an egg."

I shook my head. I've never once seen Dd touched a pot in my life.

They was waiting on me to finish my food. "Like how you n****s can cook, put these dishes and glasses in the sink," I said.


I gave them frying pans each and gave them an egg. "What should you do?" I asked. "Turn the stove on, and place them pan on the stove," said Dd. "Yea," said Ddot.

They did it. "Do you want butter or oil?" I asked. "I'll take the butter," said Ddot. Dd nods.

I eat the right amount of butter for them and they put it in. "Bro, the butter melted in the pan," said Ddot. I tried so hard not to laugh.

"She finna laugh," smiled Dd. "Yeah, obviously," I said.

"Crack the eggs idiots," I laughed. Ddot crack the egg and the shell fell in the pan. "What the fuck is that?" I laughed and helped him by taking the shells out. "Your turn baby," I said. He used a fork, and cracked it.

"You following me?" I asked. "Yeah," he smiled, cracking the egg in the pot. "That's why I need a woman," Ddot said, flipping his own.

"Ddot, you forgot to put two things," I said. "What, oh salt and pepper," he said. I chuckled. I gave them to him and he put the right amount.

Dd did the same and flipped his. I took two plates out. "After you eat, wash everything up," I smiled.

About 3 minutes they finished eating and then they washed everything up.

I smiled at them, "you guys are adorable in the kitchen, now you can't help me cook and bake for the family." "No problem," they said in unison.

9 hours and 43 minutes.

Everyone was home. "Okay y'all, I made cheesy lasagna and someone's oreo cheesecake that he liked when I bake," I said. I removed the covers. "Ddot and Dd helped," I said. "What? you sure?" ask Jay. "Deadass, they helped," I chuckled.

"We big men now n****, we can cook and bake," said Dd. "Well they bring the ingredients and washes after," I chuckled.

They laughed. "Who's ready?" I asked. "I know I am," said mama osama. They took their share.

All I was hearing is moaning and shit. "I always wanted to ask you this Y/N," said Jstar, "who taught you how to cook?"

"My dad," I smiled. "You guys won't work my girlfriend out, Jstar and Jay you cook this time," said Dd. "Can they?" Melz asked. Jstar looked at her and she laughed.


Jstar and Jay washed up everything. I took a shower and lay in bed after Ddot went home.

"You cook for me only," Dd said. "I'll cook for you anytime, because I love doing it," I said, "but not tomorrow." "What you mean?" he asked. "I'm babysitting your nephew tomorrow," I smiled.

"I'll do it too," he smiled, then kissed me. "I'm joking, I would still have to cook," I said. He showered me with kisses.

don't really like this.

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