Teapot to Call Home

Start from the beginning

"This is why I don't like being flirty with you." She muttered under her breath.

"Hm?" Childe looked at her confused.

"Nothing, nothing." Lumine turned away, attempting to escape from his arms.

"No, you said something earlier, something about flirting." Childe pulled her close. 

"No, I said nothing. You heard nothing." Lumine insisted.

"Yeah. Sure." Childe said, voice seeping with doubt on his tone. He then gave a quick peck on her cheeks before  finally loosening his grip on her.  "Good morning to you to Starlight."


"Are you sure this is supposed to go here?" Lumine asked, looking at the seemingly misplaced decoration.

"Maybe it does have a better position to go to. What do you think m'lady?" Thoma turned to Ayaka who eyed the decoration.

"I think it could go a little more to the right." Ayaka said. The helpers quickly moved it to the direction Ayaka suggested.

"M'lady, I don't think shifting it further would help." Thoma said.

"Then to the left?" Ayaka asked. Before the advisers could say anything the helpers were already on their way to move it.

"Maybe put it near the other stalls." Childe finally spoke up after watching them struggle for what seemed like hours. "It's a little far from the others so it might not get much attention."

"But where would the photobooth settle?" Ayaka asked.

"There's a spot near the stairs on the way out of Ritou." Lumine suggested.

Ayaka paused. "Hmmm, you're right. That could work." Ayaka nodded.

"Please move it as per the traveler's instruction." Ayaka told the helpers who simply nodded.

"Right this way." Lumine lead the way as the bunch followed behind.

After that they then proceeded to follow Ayaka to the next venue.

"I thought the stalls were already preplanned on where they'd be." Childe blurted out to the traveler.

"They are. The decorations though, still on-going." Lumine said.

"What other decorations are there?" Childe asked.

"I think the only things left are the hanging decors and we should be good." Lumine said.

"After that can we ditch them?" Childe asked.

"Ditch them? That's a rude word." Lumine gave him a look. Childe just shrugged. "I'll tell them that we have to go... politely."

"Still ditching them but if you say so." Childe said.


"Would you be able to take me on if I suddenly attacked you?" Childe asked as they walked their way back to Kamisato Estate.

"Why would you suddenly attack me?" Lumine crossed her arms. "Is this why you were itching to get out of decor duty? I'm not really in the mood for a sparring session at the moment."

"No, I'm not gonna ask you to spar with me right here right now." Childe said. "I just wanted to check."

"Check what?" Lumine asked.

"I... check up on you. If you're well and... yeah." Childe struggled to find the right words.

"I'm well. Just not in the mood for a fight." Lumine said.

"But if there was-"

"I'll be ready." Lumine said. "I'm quick on my feet you know."

Childe chuckled. "Then I'm glad to hear that." He said, reaching for her hands.

As they walked, their fingers intertwined. The sound of their footsteps, birds chirping, the occasional rustle of leaves. Peace.

They were at peace.

"You seemed more worried than usual." Lumine spoke up, as they approached the Chinju Forest. "Did something happen?"

Childe instinctively squeezed her hand but he tried laughing it off. "Nothing in particular."

"You're a bad liar." Lumine said.

Childe laughed once more. "I know."

For a moment he didn't talk. They just continued walking. And walking. And walking some more. Until they reached the end of Chinju Forest, a few more steps and they would be at the Kamisato Estate.

Childe stopped on his tracks. Lumine then did the same.

He then faced her, took both her hands and sighed. "Promise me that when you sense something off around you, tell me right away okay?"

"I'm sensing it right now." Lumine said with a straight face.

Childe's whole body tensed up. "Where?" He asked, looking around.

"Here." Lumine pointed at him. "Something is off with you."

"You're avoiding my question. Something clearly happened." Lumine added.

"I'll tell you about it later. I... still can't understand it myself so I don't know how to tell it to you." Childe looked down, his eyebrows furrowed.

Lumine cupped his cheek. "Then let's try understanding it together." She gave him an encouraging smile.

Childe held the hand on his cheek.

"Okay. But not here. There might be someone lurking outside."

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