Chapter 5

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I wake up from my phone going off at nine in the morning. I run my fingers through my hair before grabbing it and unlocking the screen. It's my seventh text from Julian that morning.

Where'd you go?

Liz, are you alright?

Answer me pls.

I don't even remember what happened last night, holy shit


I'm really worried now, just say something Liz.

Oh god oh god please be okay, please

I quickly dial his number and hold the phone up to my ear, feeling a bit guilty. He answers before the first ring finishes. "Lizzie, god, where are you?"

"Calm your tits, Jules, I'm at your studio."

"The fuck are you doing there?"

"Just . . . are you at my apartment still?"


"Stay there, I'll meet you in a few minutes." I shut off my phone and head out into the living room, where Nick is laying sideways on the armchair strumming his guitar. "Hey, Nick, thanks for letting me stay," I call on my way to the front door.

"No prob, catch you later."

"Later."I open the door and close it behind me, squinting at the light before hurrying to my apartment. As I walk in, I see no trace of Julian. Then I look to my right. He's bent over the toilet, hair a mess, puking his guts out.

"Shit, you okay?" I walk in and kneel next to him, placing a hand on his bare back and rubbing it soothingly.

"No," he moans.

"Okay, well, just puke up all that alcohol, and when you're done, slam some water, alright?"

He shakes his head. "It's not a hangover. I'm fine."

I frown. "What's up? Food poisoning, do you think? Flu?"

He looks over at me through his hair, keeping his head down. "No."

"Well, tell me, silly."

He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, then sits back on his heels and looks directly at me. "I remembered what I did last night."

My stomach churns, and I take a deep breath. "Julian, it's just—"

"I am so sorry," he interrupts. "I was a complete asshat. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking, oh god." He holds his head in his hands, slumping his shoulders.

I don't know what to do. I can't tell him it's okay, because it sure as hell was not okay. "Maybe we should take a break," I suggest softly.

He sighs heavily. "I can't . . . I can't not be with you. Not anymore."

The words send shivers through my body.

"I don't know what I can do to make it up to you," he says quietly.

"Next time you could stop when I tell you to," I say with a weak smile.

He laughs through his nose. "No duh."

"I just, I dunno, Jules. That was . . . that was scary for me."

"I know, I am so sorry, holy shit."

"Just . . . let's go a while with no sex, alright? Maybe then you'll learn your lesson."

He chuckles softly. "Yeah, probably."

"Good." I stand up. "So, this, uh, this tour thing. With your band."

He stands up too and flushes the toilet. "Yeah, it's pretty cool."

"You sure you want me along?" I ask, worried. We walk into the other room, laying down on the bed with each other.

"Of course I do, babe," he replies, spooning my body with his.

"When is it?"

He shrugs as he kisses my neck. I let out a soft moan at his touch. "Starts in a week or two, I think."

"Mmmkay." I look down as he slides his hand under my tank top and up to my chest, taking a nipple between his fingers and playing around with it. I want to groan in pleasure, but I have to enforce the punishment. "I said no sex, Julian."

"I wasn't planning on that," he replies, brushing my hair out of the way to place another kiss to the nape of my neck. "Maybe sex for you, but none for me." He slides his hand down my stomach and into my pants, slipping his finger beneath my wet folds.

I gasp. "Julian, I mean it." I take his hand out and push it away.

"Oh, come on." He turns me on my side so that I face him again. "Haven't you ever had a guy feel around in there? Ever had him eat you out? Taste you? Lick you clean?"

I squirm at the thought, my insides tingling. "N—no . . ."

"Oh, well, it's the least I could do for you," he whispers, shifting his body downwards. I roll onto my back and lift my hips, letting him slip off my lace panties. His chin resting on my thigh, I open my legs a bit to give him an entrance. He looks up at me with the most innocent eyes, then at my entrance as he brushes his fingertips against my folds. "Shit, you're already pretty wet, babe," he says, his breath soft against my skin. Then, ever so slowly, he takes his index and middle finger and pushes them up into me. I lean my head back and tense up a bit, closing my eyes and letting out a sigh. He slowly pulls in and out of me, twiddling his fingers around inside me, which makes me squirm with pleasure. He pushes in as deep as he can and reaches with his long fingers, finding my g-spot and rubbing circles against it.

I let out a soft moan as I near my climax, but he soon pulls his fingers out. I look down at him in concern, but he just nods with a smirk. He puts his fingers into his mouth and licks them clean. "Fuck, Liz, you taste so good." Then he leans down and licks my entrance, lightly, before plunging in deep.

I arch my back and grab at his hair, letting out a high-pitched cry of extreme pleasure. His warm tongue inside me, feeling around, so deep, sends me over the edge. I urge him to dig deeper, and he does, sucking up my juices, when I come, hard. I dig my heels into the mattress and let out a loud moan of pleasure, grabbing his hair tighter, bucking my hips into him. As I settle down, my insides still pulsing from my orgasm, he makes sure he's drank all he can. He licks me clean with a groan, which sends a wave of ecstasy through my body.

Soon he leans back with a satisfied sigh, so I close my legs. "Julian, I . . ." I can't form words.

He crawls over me and presses a kiss to my lips. "I know, babe."

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