Chapter 20- Jessica

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Trigger warnings- Pregnancy mention and a drug dealing mention. 

"Do you still remember everything that happened?" Liam asks me.

"Yeah of course I do" I reply, I know what he means of course. The murder of Mr Grey. It has been a while since all of that happened. 8 months in fact. I have stayed friends with the others and they have been very supportive of my pregnancy journey. My mother has been a great help as well.

I should probably explain what happened after we confronted Mr Rogers. The case went viral of course. It was all anyone could talk about for months. Mr Rogers was arrested at the very end of September but the court hearing wasn't until January. Of course thanks to us Mr Rogers was found guilty and given 15 years in prison.

None of us were allowed to go to the hearing but we all felt rather smug knowing that we had helped solve the case. DCI Clifton wished us all the best for the future and we have even met Mr Grey's wife who thanked us for solving the murder and gave each of us a reward.

For Ryan she offered to pay off the debt he owed his supplier. This meant he could finally start saving money in other ways to help his dad recover from his alcoholism.

To Laura she gave a necklace that had belonged to her mother. She said that she wanted to give it to her to wear at the end of year prom. Laura has promised that she will.

James insisted he didn't want anything but eventually Mrs Grey found something she could offer him. A girlfriend. It was actually supposed to be a friendship between him and Mrs Grey's niece Hannah but her and James hit it off late last year. They started dating in early January and they have now been dating for 6 months.

Finally for me she gave me the greatest gift of all. She has offered to take care of my child while I am at school so that I can continue my studies. She has become a friend to all of us and I hope it will always stay that way.

When it comes to the end of the year, it is time for everyone to find a date for the prom. I was expecting Liam to ask me but he didn't. He ended up asking one of Laura's friends, Bethany. I was shocked when Ryan asked me to the prom with him.

I said yes because I had no one else but I made it clear that we are going as friends. I think he was disappointed. James is going with Laura's other roommate Alice. Laura is going with the head girl Elizabeth Harker. I didn't know Laura showed interest in girls but apparently she's bisexual. She came out earlier this year and was terrified people wouldn't accept it. Ryan threatened anyone who didn't accept it with a punch in the face so I think Laura should be just fine.

The night of prom arrives and I can't lie that Ryan does an excellent job of being a gentleman. He's clearly done some research on the subject as everything about him screams 'can't be bothered'.

It's towards the end of the night when the disaster strikes. The last song comes on and it's Perfect by the master of romance himself Ed Sheeran. When the song comes to an end and everyone moves off the dance floor, we all turn as one when we hear a voice behind us.

"Bethany, will you be my girlfriend?" It's Liam and I can't believe what he just said.

"Yes" Bethany replies and they engage in a huge embrace. I simply turn and run.

I don't even know where I'm going. I simply run. I don't stop despite the numerous shouts behind me. I don't stop until I get to the sports field. I stop and collapse on the grass, sobbing my eyes out. It feels like an eternity, though more likely it's a few minutes, before Ryan places a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey," he says softly "it's ok. He's an asshole."

I don't stop sobbing "but, I really liked him" I sob "I just didn't want to be the one to ask him to go out with me. I thought he felt the same way."

Ryan puts an arm around me "he's not good enough for you. You are one of the most intelligent and beautiful girls in the school. He doesn't deserve to be in the same room as you."

I slowly stop sobbing "you really mean that?" I manage to choke out.

"I really do," he replies "one day you'll find someone who can treat you better."

My tears have slowed now "like you, you mean."

He scoffs "you really think I'm any better. I'm an ex drug dealer Jess. I don't think I'm all that different." I thought he was sure of himself. I thought that what he was trying to say was that I needed someone like him. Apparently he's not as self centred as people think.

We sit in silence for a while watching the stars and the moon. I feel comforted with his arm around me, safe.

"Ryan?" I ask "would you like to have children someday?"

He looks shocked at the question "yeah, why?" I smile and stand up. He does the same.

"Well would you like to try your hand at it?" I ask. "What exactly are you saying Jess?" Ryan asks. I grab his hand.

"I'm asking you to help take care of my baby with me," I say "Ryan, I'm asking you to be my boyfriend. My baby deserves two parents who will love and care for them. Who will be there no matter what. Liam can't give them that. I need someone who will love my baby as much as I already do. I think you can be that person so.... Ryan Jamison, will you be my boyfriend?"

Ryan doesn't hesitate. He places his other hand on top of mine "I can't promise I'll be the perfect boyfriend or the perfect dad," he says "but for you. I'll certainly be willing to try."

Once again we sit under the moonlight on the grass, his arm around me. I never believed I'd ever be sat with Ryan Jamison's arm around me. I never thought I'd be asking him to go out with me or be a father to my child. But a murder can do strange things. It can put someone in jail. It has the power to ruin friendships and relationships. But it also has the power to form new ones. The murder of Mr Grey has destroyed one life but it has paved the way for another. Mr Grey's murder has ruined a possible relationship, but it has shone a light on a new one. One which I hope will nurture a life in the future and one which I hope will give my baby a story to tell of its own. After all, each of us has a story to tell.    

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