Chapter 17- Laura

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Trigger warnings- Swearing,drug dealing mention and alcoholism mention. 

We walk towards the staff room. The plan is for one of us to ask Mr Harris if we can try out for the athletics team to trick him into leaving the staff room so we can confront him in private.

Jessica knocks on the door and her mother answers. "Jessica sweetheart, what do you need?" Mrs Greenwood asks.

"We need to ask Mr Harris something" Jessica replies.

"Ok sweetheart I'll see you later" Mrs Greenwood says and disappears back into the staff room.

A moment later the door opens again and Mr Harris steps into the hallway. "What can I help you with kids?" He asks, He always calls everyone kids. It's a bit strange, but then so is Mr Harris himself.

"Well we were wondering if Ryan could try out for the athletics team" Jessica says. Ryan looks at me and James, he looks horrified before he realises he needs to play along.

"Sure thing," Mr Harris replies "you did us a great favour, winning against Windmere last week Ryan so why not." We all follow Mr Harris as he heads towards Block B.

When we arrive at the changing room door Mr Harris turns around. Ryan steps forward and says "ok enough of the crap. We know you're behind this?"

Mr Harris looks surprised "Mr Jamison I assure you I have no clue what you're talking about."

"Yeah right," Ryan snaps back sarcastically "you killed Mr Grey."

Mr Harris almost falls over in shock "Mr Jamison what evidence do you have to make such an accusation?"

Ryan doesn't hold back "oh give over, you are the only one who was in the school last Monday between 4:30 and 5 who doesn't have an alibi. You are the only one who could've done it. All we want to know is why?"

Once again Mr Harris stumbles and takes a few seconds to respond "Mr Jamison I was organising the equipment in the gym."

Ryan sniggers "really? When I asked earlier you changed your mind and said you were giving Liam Morris a private training session which is a lie isn't it?"

Mr Harris looks angry "I simply got the wrong date. It was Tuesday when Liam and I held the training session. Last Monday I was organising the equipment in the gym cupboard. I will show you the CCTV footage if that will prove it to you?"

Ryan shrugs "ok fine," he says "it's probably a lie."

We follow Mr Harris as he leads us towards the CCTV room. Jessica whispers to Ryan as we go "you may have taken that a bit too far" she says.

"Well none of you were any help were you?" Ryan hisses back "you all just stood there like a bunch of idiots."

When we arrive at the CCTV room Mr Harris pulls a key out of his pocket. He fumbles to try and put it in the lock but drops it. I reach forward and pick it up before handing it back to him.

"Thank you," Mr Harris says. I noticed that the engraving on the key said AR. It's a make I've never heard of before.

Finally Mr Harris gets the door open. He heads over to the shelves and finds the one he wants.

"Monday the 20th of September. Camera 6" He reads. We all look at the live video for camera 6 and see that it's the camera from the hallway outside the changing rooms and the equipment cupboard. Mr Harris holds up the tape for us to see that the time written on it is 4:30 to 6:30pm.

He puts the tape into the video player and we all look at the screen. Mr Harris begins to fast forward through the tape until we see him on the screen. He locks the door to the equipment cupboard and leaves the view of the camera. We all look at the corner of the screen and see that the time reads 4:58 which would be enough time to leave Block B, but not enough time to murder someone first. Mr Harris is innocent.

"So as you can see Mr Jamison I am not the killer" Mr Harris says.

"Sorry" Ryan says bitterly.

Mr Harris continues "you should be more careful who you accuse. I would like to see you at lunchtime tomorrow. Perhaps a few laps of the field will help calm that inquisitive brain of yours."

Mr Harris walks off and Ryan huffs "great, that went well."

"But this is good," Jessica says brightly "now we know for sure we can rule out Mr Harris. We also know that my mother's innocent. That must mean Mrs Gaskell or Mr Rogers did it."

James looks cross too "Rogers couldn't have done it. He was in his office the whole time. He was there when Greenwood took Ryan there at 5 o'clock. It has to be Gaskell."

Jessica doesn't look convinced "or we were right all along..."

Now I am very confused "what on earth do you mean? I ask.

"Well think about it.. Who had the most to lose by their secret getting out? Who has only one witness who can support their alibi? Who was running around in the hallways at the exact time when Mr Grey was killed? Ryan."


"Yeah by Liam Morris who you were supplying with steroids" Jessica snaps back.

"Yes and I gave them to him which means I was nowhere near the science lab" Ryan replies.

"But it doesn't take 17 minutes to give someone a pack of steroids" Jess snaps. "It does when you have to go down five flights of stairs and get the steroids from your locker first" Ryan says angrily.

"Why couldn't you have waited until after detention to give Liam the steroids anyway?" I ask.

"'Cause he said he needed them urgently before the next training session. He said he wouldn't pay full price for them if I didn't get them to him before 5" Ryan explains.

"Oh and I'm sure that the known drug dealer Ryan Jamison totally isn't rolling in cash" Jessica says sarcastically.

"He really isn't," Ryan says quietly "he has a debt to pay his supplier. Before Friday."

We all look at him. "How much do you owe him?" James asks.

"Who is he anyway? Your supplier?" I ask.

"£300 and I don't know his name," Ryan replies "he sends me the stuff I need and I send him money in return. I need the money from selling to help my dad."

"Why?" Jessica asks.

Ryan takes a while to reply "I want to get my dad a counsellor. He's an alcoholic. Has been for years. I just want to get him some help, but counselling is expensive when your dad doesn't want anyone to know about it."

"Ryan I'm sorry," Jess says "I shouldn't have accused you. Of course you didn't do it. Let's meet after school and work this stuff out once and for all."

"Alright," Ryan says "lets sort it out so we can be done with this shit."

We all agree to meet at 4 in the cafeteria. As we all leave I can't help wondering, why is Jessica so sure her mother's innocent? And why was Ryan so quick to accuse Mr Harris? And why did James lie and say that he spoke to Mrs Greenwood when I know he didn't? It seems I can't trust anyone. After all, someone who is in the school is definitely not to be trusted. Let's just hope we can find out who. When the others have left, a thought strikes me and without delay I run back towards the CCTV room.

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